Content Component Services
Contains necessary paramters for all file upload requests via service event handler
Get Content and resource information
Get Content and resource information
Get Content associated with Content
Get Content and resource information
Get Content and resource information
Create a DataCategory
Update a DataCategory
Remove DataCategory
Create a ContentOperation
Update a ContentOperation
Remove ContentOperation
Create a ContentPurpose
Update a ContentPurpose
Remove ContentPurpose
Removes content purposes and creates a new one
Create a ContentPurposeOperation
Update a ContentPurposeOperation
Remove ContentPurposeOperation
Create a ContentAttribute
Update a ContentAttribute
Remove ContentAttribute
Create a ContentMetaData
Update a ContentMetaData
Remove ContentMetaData
Create a DataResourceAttribute
Update a DataResourceAttribute
Remove DataResourceAttribute
Create a DataResourceRole
Update a DataResourceRole
Remove DataResourceRole
Get a ContentAssocDataResourceView
Get a ContentAssocDataResourceView
Follow a content and return descendants
Get Content of passed contentId
Get subContent of passed contentId/mapKey or subContentId
Create a Content, DataResource and/or ContentAssoc
Persist a DataResource and data
Persist a CompDoc DataResource and data
Upload/save PDF, create Survey, populate Content
Supply thruDate to all ContentAssoc that come "before" current one
Set thruDate to now for ContentAssoc entity
Creates content records for a blog entry
Get the subcontent and render
Get the subcontent and render
Get the dataResource and render
Create a TOPIC type Content
Update site roles
Attach content to publish point
Update site roles
Update or remove a child entity based on value of "action"
Reorder sequence numbers in ContentAssoc entities for a given parent id
Moves dataResource to separate content associated with current content so that node can have only children, no content of its own
Set content and kids to OUTLINE_NODE
Clear cache
Clear cache
Get children of content
Set childLeafCount and childBranchCount to appropriate values
Set childLeafCount and childBranchCount in parent Content entities
Set childLeafCount and childBranchCount in parent Content entities
Set childLeafCount and childBranchCount in passed id and those below
Update image
Create image
Creates or updates ContentRole
Creates or updates ContentRole
Creates or updates ContentRole
Descend thru content tree and execute service at each node
Change statusId to published (CTNT_PUBLISHED)
Gets all the members of the input map that start with the prefix
Splits input string
Splits input string
URL encodes map
Create a ContentRevision
Update a ContentRevision
Remove ContentRevision
Create a ContentRevisionItem
Update a ContentRevisionItem
Remove ContentRevisionItem
Create a ContentApproval
Update a ContentApproval
Remove ContentApproval
Update a ContentRevision and ContentRevisionItem
Set ContentApprovals for approval process
Set ContentApprovals for approval process
Get a list of ContentApprovals and permission indicators
Determine permission status for record
Generate parallel CompDoc Instance tree
Create a CompDoc Template entity and associated ContentRevision/Item entities
Bump the previous ContentApproval approvals up to current CDT
Bump the previous ContentApproval approvals up to current CDI
Check to see if there are any ContentApproval records awaiting this user's action
Look for most recent revision for contentId
Use OpenOffice to convert between document types
Use OpenOffice to convert between document types
Use OpenOffice to convert between document types
Use OpenOffice to compare two documents
Convert all the CompDoc parts into PDF and concatenate and put in CMS
Convert all the CompDoc parts into PDF and concatenate and put in CMS
Creates content records for a blog entry
Updates content records for a blog entry
Retrieves content records for a blog entry
Blog RSS Feed
Fixes the ContentAssoc IDs based on passed parameters
Generic Content Permission Service; Takes mainAction to determine the mode.
Generic DataResource Permission Service; Takes mainAction to determine the mode.
Create a ContentKeyword
Update a ContentKeyword
Delete a ContentKeyword
Delete all the keywords of a content
Index the Keywords for a Content
Induce all the keywords of a content, ignoring the flag in the Content.
Create Content Alternative URL