Content Component Data Services
Create a DataResource
Create a DataResource and link this data to the content present
Update a DataResource
Remove DataResource
Uses ECA to decide if we should call createElectronicText or just createDataResource (SHORT_TEXT)
Uses ECA to decide if we should call updateElectronicText or just updateDataResource (SHORT_TEXT)
Create a DataResource and, possibly, ElectronicText or ImageDataResource
Create a DataResource and, possibly, ElectronicText or ImageDataResource
Create a ElectronicText
Update a ElectronicText
Remove ElectronicText
Get a ElectronicText: Can pass either content value object or contentId
Create an ImageDataResource
Update an ImageDataResource
Remove an ImageDataResource
Create a VideoDataResource
Update an VideoDataResource
Remove an VideoDataResource
Create an AudioDataResource
Update an AudioDataResource
Remove an AudioDataResource
Create an OtherDataResource
Update an OtherDataResource
Remove an OtherDataResource
Create a File
Create a File No Permission Required
Update a File