Party Component Services
Create an AddressMatchMap record
Import a CSV (name,value) of AddressMatchMap records
Delete an AddressMatchMap record
Delete an AddressMatchMap record
Delete a Party
Set the party status. Requires PARTYMGR_UPDATE or PARTYMGR_STS_UPDATE permission. The change to statusId must be defined in StatusValidChange, otherwise
this service will fail. The result is the original statusId, so that ECA conditions can check if a status has actually changed.
Create a Person
Create a Person and UserLogin
Update a Person
Create a PartyGroup
Update a PartyGroup
Save Party Name Change
Get Party Name For Date
Create an Affiliate
Update an Affiliate
Create a note item and associate with a party. If a noteId is passed, creates an assoication to that note instead.
Create a new role type
Sets the party (customer) profile defaults
create a party attribute record
updates a party attribute record
removes a party attribute record
Merges customer accounts and disabled the duplicate
Performs a lookup for parties
Find the partyId corresponding to a reference and a reference type
Create a Party Role (add a Role to a Party). The logged in user must have PARTYMGR_CREATE or have
permission to change the role of this partyId
Delete a Party Role (remove a Role from a Party). The logged in user must have PARTYMGR_DELETE or have
permission to change the role of this partyId
Ensure that the party is in the specified role.
Ensure that the party is in the _NA_ role.
Ensure that the party is in the _NA_ role.
Ensure that the party is in the _NA_ role.
Create a Relationship between two Parties;
if partyIdFrom is not specified the partyId of the current userLogin will be used;
if roleTypeIds are not specified they will default to "_NA_".
If a partyIdFrom is passed in, it will be used if the userLogin has PARTYMGR_REL_CREATE permission.
Update a Relationship between two Parties;
if partyIdFrom is not specified the partyId of the current userLogin will be used;
if roleTypeIds are not specified they will default to "_NA_".
If a partyIdFrom is passed in, it will be used if the userLogin has PARTYMGR_REL_UPDATE permission.
Delete a Relationship between two Parties;
if partyIdFrom is not specified the partyId of the current userLogin will be used;
if roleTypeIds are not specified they will default to "_NA_".
Create party's role and party's relationship
Create a new Party Relationship type
Create or update both parties roles and parties relationship, partyRelationshipTypeId being mandatory.
The relationship is considered from one side or another (partyId is checked internally against partyIdFrom)
If a type of parties relationship exists PartyIdTo or PartyIdFrom are updated.
The history is maintained, allowing to track changes.
create a company/contact relationship and add the related roles
Create a ContactMech
Create a PartyContactMech
Update a ContactMech
Update a PartyContactMech
Delete a PartyContactMech
Create a Postal Address
Find the partyId/contactMechId for a specific email address, if not found do not return a value
Find the partyId/contactMechId for a specific telephone number, if not found do not return a value
Find the partyId/contactMechId for a specific telephone number, if not found do not return a value.
Same than above but keep the number complete internally.
Create a Postal Address
Update a Postal Address
Update a Postal Address
Create a Telecommunications Number
Create a Telecommunications Number
Update a Telecommunications Number
Update a Telecommunications Number
Create an Email Address
Create an Email Address
Update an Email Address
Update an Email Address
Copies all contact mechs from the partyIdFrom to the partyIdTo. Does not delete or overwrite any contact mechs.
create a contact mech attribute record
updates a contact mech attribute record
removes a contact mech attribute record
Create a Party ContactMech Purpose
Delete a Party ContactMech Purpose
Delete a Party ContactMech Purpose
Create a Postal Address Boundary
Delete a Postal Address Boundary
create PartyClassification
update PartyClassification
delete PartyClassification
create PartyClassificationGroup
update PartyClassificationGroup
delete PartyClassificationGroup
create PartyIdentification entity
update PartyIdentification entity
delete PartyClassificationGroup
create many identifications with format in map identifications : [partyType : TYPE, TYPE : value]
Create Vendor Information
Update Vendor Information
Remove Vendor Information
Creates a relation between a Party and a DataSource using PartyDataSource. The userLogin must have PARTYMGR_SRC_CREATE permission.
Set the Communication event Status
Set the Communication event Status for a specific role
Create a Communication Event with or w/o permission check
Create a Communication Event with permission check
Create a Communication Event without permission check
Update a Communication Event
Set a specific purpose for the originator email
Delete a Communication Event, optionally delete the attached content and dataresource
Delete a Communication Event, optionally delete the attached content and dataresource
and when this is the only communication event connected to a workeffort delete the workeffort too.
Create a Communication Event Purpose
Create a CustRequestCommEvent
Remove a Communication Event Purpose
Create a Communication Event Role with or w/o permission check
Create a Communication Event Role with permission check
Create a Communication Event Role without permission check
Update a Communication Event Role
Remove a Communication Event Role
Creates a WorkEffort entity and CommunicationEventWorkEff
Marks a communication event as read
Sends a communication event as a single-part email using sendMail. All parameters come from CommunicationEvent, which must
be of type EMAIL_COMMUNICATION. Will look for a contactMechIdTo to send the emails
Creates a CommunicationEvent record based on information before running a sendMail service (to be used via ECA)
Updates a CommunicationEvent record after running a sendMail service (to be used via ECA)
Process incoming email. Try to determine partyIdFrom from the first SendFrom email address. datetimeStarted and datetimeEnded are the
sent and received dates respectively, partyIdTo is from the first SendTo email address or the delivered-to address. If the parties are not found,
the email addresses are stored in CommunicationEvent.note
If however it is detected as spam (external) or when the 'from' email address is missing, the service will not return a communicationEventId.
If the party cannot be found the status of the communicationEvent will be set to: COM_UNKNOWN_PARTY.
If the parties are found the status is set to COM_ENTERED
Send emails to members of a contact list, wrapping each email in its own transaction and tagging each member
that has been sent, so if the whole effort is aborted, it can start over from the middle. The max-retry is important because if this service is
and some emails cannot sent, it will start again later and try again
Sets the status of a communication event to COM_COMPLETE using the updateCommunicationEvent service
Checks for email communication events with the status COM_IN_PROGRESS and a startdate which is expired, then send the email
Create a PartyContent record
Update a PartyContent record
Remove a PartyContent record
Creates a Text Document DataResource and Content Records
Upload and attach a file to a party
Get the main party Email address
Get the party Email Telephone
Get the party postal address
Create a PartyCarrierAccount record
Update a PartyCarrierAccount record
Create Party Invitation
Update Party Invitation
Remove Party Invitation
Create PartyInvitationGroupAssoc
Remove PartyInvitationGroupAssoc
Create PartyInvitationRoleAssoc
Remove PartyInvitationRoleAssoc
Performs a basic Party Manager security check. The user must have one of the base PARTYMGR
CRUD+ADMIN permissions.
Performs a party ID security check. The userLogin partyId must equal
the partyId parameter, or the logged-in user must have the correct permission
to perform the operation.
Performs a party status security check. The userLogin partyId must equal the partyId parameter OR
the user must have one of the base PARTYMGR or PARTYMGR_STS CRUD+ADMIN permissions.
Performs a party group security check. The userLogin partyId must equal the partyId parameter OR
the user has one of the base PARTYMGR or PARTYMGR_GRP CRUD+ADMIN permissions.
Performs a party datasource security check. The user must have one of the base PARTYMGR or
Performs a party role security check. The user must have one of the base PARTYMGR or
Performs a party relationship security check. The user must have one of the base PARTYMGR or
Performs a party contact mech security check. The userLogin partyId must equal the partyId parameter OR
the user must have one of the base PARTYMGR or PARTYMGR_PCM CRUD+ADMIN permissions.
Performs accept and decline PartyInvitation security check. The userLogin partyId must equal the
partyIdTo in PartyInvitation OR partyId fetched using emailAdress in PartyInvitation.
The user with PARTYMGR_UPDATE permission can also perform this function.
Performs cancel PartyInvitation security check. The userLogin partyId must equal the
partyId/partyIdFrom in PartyInvitation OR partyId fetched using emailAdress in PartyInvitation.
The user with PARTYMGR_UPDATE permission can also perform this function.
Party CommunicationEvents Permission Checking Logic
Create postal address, purposes and set them defaults
Update postal address, purposes and set them defaults. The setShippingPurpose and setBillingPurpose enable the service to create purposes for PostalAddress and make them default addresses of party
Update postal address, telecom number and purposes. The setShippingPurpose and setBillingPurpose enable the service to create purposes for TelecomNumber
Create and Update a person
Create and Update telecom number
Create and Update email address
Create or Update a postal address
Create customer profile on basis of First Name ,Last Name and Email Address
Get the main role of this party which is a child of the MAIN_ROLE roletypeId
Create communication event and send mail to company