Common Application Shared WorkEffort Services OFBiz 1.0 WorkEffort Entity Interface Create a WorkEffort Entity Create a WorkEffort Entity and assign to a party Update a WorkEffort Entity Delete a WorkEffort Entity Copies an existing WorkEffort to a new WorkEffort. The ID of the WorkEffort to copy from. The ID of the WorkEffort copy. If empty a new WorkEffort ID will be created. Copy WorkEffort associations (Y/N). Only child WorkEffort associations will be copied. Copy associated WorkEfforts (Y/N). Used only when copyWorkEffortAssocs = Y. Exclude expired associated WorkEfforts from copying (Y/N). Used only when copyWorkEffortAssocs = Y. Copy WorkEffort related values (Y/N). Exclude expired WorkEffort related values from copying (Y/N). Used only when copyRelatedValues = Y. Duplicate a Work Effort. If workEffortId is empty a new workEffortId will be generated. Make a Communication Event Workeffort and create the workeffort itself if the ID not supplied Create a WorkEffortPartyAssignment Entity Update a WorkEffortPartyAssignment Entity delete/set the thrudate on the WorkEffortPartyAssignment Entity to today Delete a WorkEffortPartyAssignment Entity Quick Assign Party To WorkEffort as Owner Quick Assign Party To WorkEffort as Owner Create a WorkEffort Note Update a WorkEffort Note Get the active WorkEffort Events where the logged in user is assigned in the specidied role. Get the active WorkEffort Events in the specified role for all the parties. Get WorkEffort Assigned Tasks : workEffort assign to userLogin.partyId and with workEffortTypeId = TASK and currentStatusId not in (CAL_DECLINED, CAL_DELEGATED, CAL_COMPLETED, CAL_CANCELLED) and partyAssign.statusId != PRTYASGN_UNASSIGNED OR workEffortTypeId = PROD_ORDER_TASK and currentStatusId not in (PRUN_CANCELLED, PRUN_COMPLETED, PRUN_CLOSED) Get WorkEffort Assigned Activities : workEffort assign to userLogin.partyId and with workEffortTypeId = ACTIVITY and currentStatusId not in (WF_COMPLETED, WF_TERMINATED, WF_ABORTED) and partyAssign.statusId not in (CAL_DECLINED, CAL_DELEGATED, CAL_COMPLETED, CAL_CANCELLED, PRTYASGN_UNASSIGNED) Get WorkEffort Assigned Activities By Role : same condition as getWorkEffortAssignedActivities but on view WorkEffortPartyAssignByRole to be able to have all party roles Get WorkEffort Assigned Activities By Group : same condition as getWorkEffortAssignedActivities but on view WorkEffortPartyAssignByGroup to be able to have all parties associated to userLogin.partyId by PartyRelationship Get WorkEffort Get WorkEffort Events by a period specified by periodType attribute (one of the java.util.Calendar field values). Return a Map with periodStart as the key and a Collection of events for that period as value If filterOutCanceledEvents is set to Boolean(true) then workEfforts with currentStatusId=EVENT_CANCELLED will not be returned. To limit the events to a particular partyId, specify the partyId. To limit the events to a set of partyIds, specify a Collection of partyIds. Can be either CAL_PERSONAL or CAL_MANUFACTURING, defaults to CAL_PERSONAL. The value controls the type of work efforts returned. To bypass this behavior, use an invalid value (like VOID). Removes duplicate work efforts from a list of work efforts. Create a map with an entry for each facility. The value is another map with information about the manufacturing orders running in the facility for the given product: incoming - incomingProductionRunList, estimatedQuantityTotal. Shows quantity of product to be produced. outgoing - outgoingProductionRunList, estimatedQuantityTotal. Shows quantity of product to be consumed. Create a WorkEffort Assoc, for linking task to describe a project or for linking routing with its routingTasks Update a WorkEffort Assoc, for linking task to describe a project or for linking routing with its routingTasks Remove a WorkEffort Assoc, for linking task to describe a project or for linking routing with its routingTasks Copies WorkEffortAssocs from one WorkEffort to another WorkEffort. Only child WorkEffort associations will be copied. The ID of the WorkEffort to copy the associations from. The ID of the WorkEffort to copy the associations to. Copy associated WorkEfforts (Y/N). Exclude expired WorkEffort associations from copying (Y/N). Copy WorkEffort related values (Y/N). Used only when deepCopy = Y. Exclude expired WorkEffort related values from copying (Y/N). Used only when deepCopy = Y. Creates a WorkEffort entity and WorkEffortAssoc Creates a WorkEffort entity and WorkEffortAssoc Create a WorkEffort - Product Assoc, for linking WorkEffort to In or Out Product, for routing it's the link between Manufactured Product with its routings Update a WorkEffort - Product Assoc, for linking WorkEffort to In or Out Product, for routing it's the link between Manufactured Product with its routings Remove a WorkEffort - Product Assoc, for linking WorkEffort to In or Out Product, for routing it's the link between Manufactured Product with its routings Create or update WorkEffortInventoryAssign Creates a CommunicationEvent entity and CommunicationEventWorkEff Updates CommunicationEventWorkEff Deletes CommunicationEventWorkEff Creates a CustRequestWorkEffort Deletes a CustRequestWorkEffort Creates a CustRequestItem entity and CustRequestItemWorkEffort Creates a CustRequestItemWorkEffort Deletes a CustRequestItemWorkEffort Checks to see if a CustRequestItem exists Creates a QuoteWorkEffort Deletes a QuoteWorkEffort Creates a WorkRequirementFulfillment Deletes a WorkRequirementFulfillment Creates a ShoppingListWorkEffort Deletes a ShoppingListWorkEffort Creates a OrderHeaderWorkEffort Deletes a OrderHeaderWorkEffort Based on task's estimate dates, write assign entries for the fixed asset the task is assigned to Creates a WorkEffortFixedAssetStd entry to associate a routing task with a fixed asset (type) Updates an existing WorkEffortFixedAssetStd entry Removes a WorkEffortFixedAssetStd, thus removing the association between a routing task and a fixed asset (type) Create a WorkEffortFixedAssetAssign entry to associate a fixed asset with a work effort (e.g. a production run task) Update an existing WorkEffortFixedAssetAssign entry Remove a WorkEffortFixedAssign entry, which removes the association between a fixed asset and a work effort (e.g. a production run task) Create a Work Effort Content Update a Work Effort Content Delete a Work Effort Content Creates a Text Document DataResource and Content Records Update a Text Document DataResource and Content Records Upload and attach a file to a WorkEffort Create a Work Effort Review Update a Work Effort Review Remove a Work Effort Review Index the Keywords for a WorkEffort Create a Work Effort Keyword Remove a Work Effort Keyword Create a Work Effort Keyword Remove all Work Effort Keyword Create WorkEffortSkillStandard Update WorkEffortSkillStandard Delete WorkEffortSkillStandard Create WorkEffortContactMech; if contactMechId is not provided, a new contact mech is created (if partyId is set then the new contact mech is also associated to the party) Delete WorkEffortContactMech Create WorkEffortInventoryProduced Delete WorkEffortInventoryProduced Create WorkEffort iCalendar Data Update WorkEffort iCalendar Data Delete WorkEffort iCalendar Data iCalendar Permission Check Get iCalendar Work Efforts Get Party iCalendar URL Create a WorkEffort Event Reminder Update a WorkEffort Event Reminder Delete a WorkEffort Event Reminder Process work effort event reminders. This service is run by the job scheduler. Send a work effort event reminder Migrate work effort event reminders. Run this service to update work effort reminders. Create a WorkEffort Survey Update a WorkEffort Survey Delete a WorkEffort Survey