A service engine configuration instance. The schema supports multiple configuration
instances, but the OFBiz framework supports only one - named "default".
Configures the Job Manager and Job Poller.
The Job Pool(s) this server should service. Only valid when the
thread-pool element poll-enabled attribute is set to "true".
A database can contain any number of job pools, and different
servers can service different pools. Since the pools are in a common
(shared) database, there is the potential for database locking problems
when multiple servers service the pools.
The Job Pool that jobs originating on this server should be sent to.
The number of days to keep completed/canceled jobs in the database.
Only valid when the poll-enabled attribute is set to "true".
This value should be reduced for applications that create a lot of jobs.
The number of minutes to wait before retrying a failed job.
Only valid when the poll-enabled attribute is set to "true".
Idle queue service thread lifespan in milliseconds. Defaults to "120000" (2 minutes).
This setting should be a multiple of the poll-db-millis attribute value. If there are
no jobs after multiple database polls, then idle queue service threads should be
released - to help keep the system responsive.
Job queue size. Defaults to "100".
The default setting is for "normal" installations. If an application generates a lot of jobs,
then this setting should be increased. If you are getting "Unable to queue job"
exceptions, then increase this setting gradually until the exceptions stop appearing.
Minimum number of queue service threads. Defaults to "1".
Maximum number of queue service threads. Defaults to "5".
The Job Poller will add jobs to the job queue until it is full, then it will add
queue service threads until the maximum in this setting is reached. The additional
queue service threads are released when they are idle for the period of time
set in the ttl attribute.
The default setting is for a server with two CPUs. The value can be increased
on servers with more CPUs. Higher values do not always result in better throughput -
additional threads can slow the server down because of thread maintenance overhead.
Enable database polling. Defaults to "true".
In multi-server (load balanced) environments, only one server should have this
attribute set to "true" - otherwise you might experience database locking problems.
Database polling interval in milliseconds. Defaults to "30000" (30 seconds).
Only valid when the poll-enabled attribute is set to "true".
When the database is polled, there will be a burst of activity (database "hits")
while the Job Manager queues jobs, then after the burst each queued job will
update the database after it runs. Decreasing this value will increase database activity.
Increasing this value will reduce the timeliness of job servicing.
Parameters used by the engine.