If set to true and there is no transaction already in place the Service Engine will begin one. If set to false or there is a transaction already in place the Service Engine will do nothing (this also means that if set to false and a transaction is already in place it will do nothing). If set to true and there is a transaction already in place the Service Engine will suspend that transaction, begin a new one just for this service, commit or rollback the local transaction when the service is complete, and will resume the original transaction. If set to true and there is no transaction already in place it will just begin a transaction and manage it as would be done for a normal user-transaction=true. If use-transaction=false this setting is ignored. If set to true the result will be hidden from possible exposition in LocalDispatcher.runSync() Defines the timeout for the transaction, in seconds. Defaults to the value set in the TransactionFactory being used (typically 60 seconds). This value is only used if this service begins a transaction (either require-new-transaction=true, or use-transaction=true and there is no other transaction already in place). If use-transaction=false this setting is ignored. This will be used in error messages, et cetera. If not specified will default to a service name. If set to true all attributes inherited will have be optional whether or not they were in the implemented service definition. Calculate and maintain an average response time for this service. Service metrics can be used for monitoring and reporting. The metric works by gathering statistics until a configurable maximum is reached (number of requests or elapsed time), then the average is calculated. A smoothing factor is used to smooth differences between calculations. Each metric must have a unique name. Positive integer number of requests to include in the metrics calculation. Defaults to "100". Positive integer number of milliseconds to include in the metrics calculation. Defaults to "1000". Positive decimal smoothing factor - used to smooth the differences between calculations. A value of "1" disables smoothing. Defaults to "0.7". See the documentation on the allow-html attribute of the "attribute" element. The value specified will be used for the attribute if no value is passed in. This will only happen if it is okay to not pass a value in, so if this is set then optional will be set to true. If optional=false and this is set then the value will be overridden and with a value in default-value is will set optional=true anyway. Applies only to String fields. Only checked for incoming parameters/attributes (could change in the future, but this is meant for validating input from users, other systems, etc). Defualts to "none" meaning no HTML is allowed (will result in an error message). If some HTML is desired then use "safe" which will follow the rules in the antisamy-esapi.xml file. This should be safe for both internal and public users. In rare cases when users are trusted or it is not a sensitive field the "any" option may be used to not check the HTML content at all. See the documentation on the allow-html attribute of the "attribute" element. Note that it is slightly different here as there is no defualt.