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<#macro renderSurveyQuestionText surveyQuestionAndAppl>
Unsupported question type : ${surveyQuestionAndAppl.surveyQuestionTypeId}
<#if additionalFields?has_content>
<#list additionalFields.keySet() as field>
<#-- update response -->
<#if surveyResponseId?has_content>
<#-- party ID -->
<#if partyId?has_content>
<#-- survey ID -->
<#if survey.comments?has_content>
<#assign lastSurveyMultiRespId = ""/>
<#assign haveOpenMultiRespHeader = false/>
<#list surveyQuestionAndAppls as surveyQuestionAndAppl>
<#if !alreadyShownSqaaPkWithColId.contains(surveyQuestionAndAppl.getPrimaryKey())>
<#-- Get and setup MultiResp info for this question -->
<#assign openMultiRespHeader = false/>
<#assign closeMultiRespHeader = false/>
<#assign surveyMultiResp = surveyQuestionAndAppl.getRelatedOne("SurveyMultiResp", true)?if_exists/>
<#if surveyMultiResp?has_content>
<#assign surveyMultiRespColumnList = surveyMultiResp.getRelated("SurveyMultiRespColumn", null, Static["org.ofbiz.base.util.UtilMisc"].toList("sequenceNum"), true)/>
<#if lastSurveyMultiRespId == "">
<#assign openMultiRespHeader = true/>
<#elseif lastSurveyMultiRespId != surveyMultiResp.surveyMultiRespId>
<#assign openMultiRespHeader = true/>
<#assign closeMultiRespHeader = true/>
<#assign lastSurveyMultiRespId = surveyMultiResp.surveyMultiRespId/>
<#if lastSurveyMultiRespId?has_content><#assign closeMultiRespHeader = true/>#if>
<#assign lastSurveyMultiRespId = ""/>
<#-- this is before the rest because it will be done if the current row is not a MultiResp (or is different MultiResp) but the last row was... -->
<#if closeMultiRespHeader>
<#assign haveOpenMultiRespHeader = false/>
<#list surveyMultiRespColumnList as surveyMultiRespColumn>
if there is a surveyMultiRespColId on the surveyQuestionAndAppl use the corresponding surveyQuestionId;
these should be in the same order as the surveyQuestionAndAppls List, so just see if it matches the first in the list
<#if sqaaWithColIdList?has_content><#assign nextSqaaWithColId = sqaaWithColIdList?first/><#else/><#assign nextSqaaWithColId = []>#if>
<#if surveyQuestionAndAppl.surveyMultiRespColId?has_content &&
nextSqaaWithColId?has_content &&
nextSqaaWithColId.surveyMultiRespColId = surveyMultiRespColumn.surveyMultiRespColId>
<#assign dummySqaaWithColId = Static["org.ofbiz.base.util.UtilMisc"].removeFirst(sqaaWithColIdList)/>
<#assign changed = alreadyShownSqaaPkWithColId.add(nextSqaaWithColId.getPrimaryKey())/>
<#assign questionFieldName = "answers_" + nextSqaaWithColId.surveyQuestionId + "_" + surveyMultiRespColumn.surveyMultiRespColId/>
<#assign questionFieldName = "answers_" + surveyQuestionAndAppl.surveyQuestionId + "_" + surveyMultiRespColumn.surveyMultiRespColId/>
<@renderSurveyQuestionInput surveyQuestionAndAppl=surveyQuestionAndAppl questionFieldName=questionFieldName/>
<#-- one last check for a multi-resp table left open before moving on, will happen if last question was in a multi-resp -->
<#if haveOpenMultiRespHeader>