Product Component Services OFBiz 1.0 Create a Product Update a Product Update a Product from Quick Admin Update product characteristics from Quick Admin Duplicate a Product using a new productId Copy Virtual Product's data to the Variant Products Create a new product variant This will create a virtual product and return its ID, and associate all of the variants with it. It will not put the selectable features on the virtual or standard features on the variant. Create a ProductKeyword Update a ProductKeyword Delete a ProductKeyword Delete all the keywords of a product Index the Keywords for a Product Induce all the keywords of a product, ignoring the flag in the Product.autoCreateKeywords flag Discontinue Product Sales count Product View count Product Quantity Ordered Create a product review entity Updates a product review record Updates a product review record Finds productId(s) corresponding to a product reference, productId or a GoodIdentification idValue Create a Product Price. If taxAuthGeoId and taxAuthPartyId are (or taxAuthCombinedId is) passed in then the price will be considered a price with tax included (the priceWithoutTax, priceWithTax, taxAmount, and taxPercentage fields will also be populated). If the taxInPrice field is 'Y' then the price field will be left with the tax included (price will be equal to priceWithTax), otherwise tax will be removed from the passed in price and the price field will be equal to the priceWithoutTax field. If taxAuthGeoId or taxAuthPartyId empty, and taxAuthCombinedId is empty, then the taxInPrice field will be ignored. Update an ProductPrice Delete an ProductPrice Save History of a ProductPrice Change Create an ProductPaymentMethodType Update an ProductPaymentMethodType Delete an ProductPaymentMethodType Create a GoodIdentification Update a GoodIdentification Delete a GoodIdentification Create a ProductGlAccount Update a ProductGlAccount Delete a ProductGlAccount Add Content To Product Update Content To Product Remove Content From Product Upload Additional View Images For Product Update Product SEO Create a new SupplierProduct record Update a SupplierProduct record Remove a SupplierProduct record Create a new SupplierProductFeature record Update a SupplierProduct record Remove a SupplierProduct record Finds a list of SupplierProductFeature entities based on the productFeatureId. If a partyId is given, only product feature information for that supplier party is returned. Create a ProductMaint Update a ProductMaint Delete a ProductMaint Create a ProductMeter Update a ProductMeter Delete a ProductMeter Create a ProductGeo Update a ProductGeo Delete a ProductGeo Create a Communication Event Product Remove a Communication Event Product Create a ProdCatalog Update an ProdCatalog Delete an ProdCatalog Add ProductCategory To ProdCatalog Add ProductCategory To ProdCatalog Remove ProductCategory From ProdCatalog Add ProdCatalog To Party Add ProdCatalog To Party Remove ProdCatalog From Party Create an ProductCategory Update an ProductCategory Duplicate a Product Category using from oldProductCategoryId to a new productCategoryId Add Product To Category Add Product To Multiple Categories Add Product To Category Update a ProductCategoryMember Remove Product From Category Add Party To Category Update Party To Category Remove Party From Category Add Party To Product Update Party To Product Remove Party From Product Safe Add ProductCategory To Category (requires fromDate) Add ProductCategory To Category Add ProductCategory To Categories Update ProductCategory To Category Remove ProductCategory From Category Create a ProductCategoryLink Update a ProductCategoryLink Delete a ProductCategoryLink Duplicates a named entity from one productCategoryId to another Add Content To Category Update Content To Category Remove Content From Category Update SEO Content For Product Category Create Related URL Content For Product Category Update Related URL Content For Product Category Create ProductFeature-DataResource Remove ProductFeature-DataResource Create a ProductConfig Update a ProductConfig Delete a ProductConfig Create a Config Item Update a Config Item Delete a Config Item Create a Config Option Update a Config Option Delete a Config Option Create a ProductConfigProduct Update a ProductConfigProduct Delete ProductConfigProduct Add Content To ProductConfigItem Update Content To ProductConfigItem Remove Content From ProductConfigItem Returns a map of productFeatureTypeId -> List of ProductFeatures. If supplied with a productFeatureCategoryId, the returned result is that of all product features in that category. Otherwise, if supplied with a productFeatureGroupId, the result is all features of that feature group. Otherwise, if there is a productId, the returned result is that of all features applied to that product. If the optional productFeatureApplTypeId is specified, only features with application of that type will be returned (this would only make sense along with a productId parameter.) Takes a productId and a List of ProductFeatureAndAppl entities and returns a List of productIds which are existing varaints with those features applied. For a product, returns a List of all possible product feature combinations, based on all SELECTABLE features which are applied to the product. featureCombinations is a List of Maps with the following fields: defaultVariantProductId -> default productId for the variant, based on idCodes of the features curProductFeatureAndAppls -> List of product features to be applied to this variant existingVariantProductIds -> List of productIds of variants which already have these features Takes a productCategoryId and a list of product features and resolves all the product category's product members from virtual to variant If property is set ( this will re-activate (null discountinue date) on the product if inventory is available. Triggered via ECA by shipment receipt services Create a ProductAttribute Update a ProductAttribute Delete a ProductAttribute Create a ProductCategoryGlAccount Update a ProductCategoryGlAccount Delete a ProductCategoryGlAccount Catalog Permission Checking Logic ProdCatalogToParty Permission Checking Logic Create product and inventory item Create a WebAnalyticsConfig Update a WebAnalyticsConfig Delete a WebAnalyticsConfig Create a WebAnalyticsType Update a WebAnalyticsType Delete a WebAnalyticsType Create Product Promo Content Update Product Promo Content Remove Product Promo Content Multiple upload Images For Product Remove Content From Product and File Image Delete Product Content Relationship Entity Delete Image File Create Image Frame For Product. Upload Image Frame. Crop Image Rotate Image Resize Images. Resize Image Of Product. Create New Image Thumbnail. Remove Image By Size. Resize Image Of Product. Rename Image. Load data of best selling category by week. Remove products from best selling category. Add products to best selling category. Find category child. Find best selling product. Create missing Category and Product Alternative URLs Create a Market Interest Update a Market Interest Delete a Market Interest Create ProductGroupOrder Update ProductGroupOrder Delete ProductGroupOrder Create Job For ProductGroupOrder Check OrderItem For ProductGroupOrder Cancle OrderItemGroupOrder Check ProductGroupOrder Expired