Product Component Services OFBiz 1.0 ProductFacility Permission Checking Logic Create an InventoryItem Update an InventoryItem If product store setOwnerUponIssuance is Y or empty, set the inventory item owner upon issuance. Create an inventory item status record Check Product Inventory Discontinuation Check and, if empty, fills with default values ownerPartyId, currencyUomId, unitCost Create an createInventoryItemDetail - note that the quantityOnHand and availableToPromise are relative (positive or negative) and will be added to the corresponding value on the given InventoryItem Sums all availableToPromiseDiff and quantityOnHandDiff elements for the inventoryItemId and sets the availableToPromise and quantityOnHand fields on the corresponding InventoryItem. Meant to be run as an Entity ECA triggered on any modify operation on the InventoryItemDetail entity. Sets the ATP/QOH totals for serialized inventory items Create an InventoryItemVariance - note that the quantityOnHand and availableToPromise are relative and will be added to the corresponding value on the given InventoryItem Create an PhysicalInventory Create a PhysicalInventory and an InventoryItemVariance Get Marketing Packages Available From Components In Inventory Get Inventory Availability for a Product Get Inventory Availability for a Product constrained by a facilityId Get Inventory Availability for a Product constrained by a facility and location Get Inventory Availability for a Product constrained by a containerId Get Inventory Availability for an InventoryItem Get Inventory Availability for a product based on List of associated products, usually marketing package components. Get Inventory Availability for a Product by a Supplier Count Inventory On Hand for a Product constrained by a facilityId at a given date. Count Inventory Shipped for Sales Orders for a Product constrained by a facilityId in a given date range. Get ATP/QOH Availability for a list of OrderItems by summing over all facilities. If the item is a MARKETING_PKG_AUTO/PICK, then put its quantity available from components in the mktgPkgATPMap and mktgPkgQOHMap. Get ATP/QOH Availability for a list of OrderItems by summing over all facilities. If the item is a MARKETING_PKG_AUTO/PICK, then put its quantity available from components in the mktgPkgATPMap and mktgPkgQOHMap. Batch service for checking and sending backorder notifications. Will also set an autoCancelDate for sales orders to 30 days (hard coded) beyond the OISGIR's promisedDatetime, which is in turn set by reserveProductInventory service using ProductFacility.daysToShip or 30 days by default. Balance inventory items based on the new item specified which will have available inventory that back-order (negative ATP) reservations can be reassigned to. Balance inventory reservations for a given product/facility, considering all the reservations with promised date greater than fromDate. For each product with a negative reservation in the order, calls reassignInventoryReservations Reserve Inventory for a Product. If requireInventory is Y the quantity not reserved is returned, if N then a negative availableToPromise will be used to track quantity ordered beyond what is in stock. Reserve Inventory for a Product By Facility If requireInventory is Y the quantity not reserved is returned, if N then a negative availableToPromise will be used to track quantity ordered beyond what is in stock. Reserve Inventory for a Product By Container If requireInventory is Y the quantity not reserved is returned, if N then a negative availableToPromise will be used to track quantity ordered beyond what is in stock. Create OrderItemShipGrpInvRes or increment existing reserved quantity. Iterates through each OrderItemShipGrpInvRes on each OrderItem for the order with the given orderId and cancels the reservation by changing the status of the OrderItemShipGrpInvRes and incrementing the corresponding non-serialized inventoryItem's availableToPromise quantity, or setting the status of the corresponding serialized inventoryItem to available. Cancel a specific quantity for an order item Cancels an inventory reservation Inventory Transfer Interface Create an inventory transfer. Uses the prepareInventoryTransfer service; see comments there about transfer quantities and inventory items. Update an inventory transfer record Prepares inventory item for transfer. If the xferQty is less than quantityOnHandTotal of the inventory item, then the inventory item is "split," and an new inventory item will be created with xferQty and used for the inventory transfer. Completes the inventory transfer Cancel the inventory transfer Create inventory transfers for the given product and quantity. Return the units not available for transfers. Issues the Inventory for an Order that was Immediately Fulfilled, like in a POS environment. Note that this skips the normal inventory reservation process, and the shipment process (no shipment is created). Issues the Inventory for an Order Item that was Immediately Fulfilled for more info see the issueImmediatelyFulfilledOrder service. Create an ProductFacility Update an ProductFacility Delete an ProductFacility Create an ProductFacilityLocation Update an ProductFacilityLocation Delete an ProductFacilityLocation Create a Facility Update a Facility Delete a Facility Create Facility Attribute Update Facility Attribute Delete Facility Attribute Create a Facility Location Update a Facility Location Delete a Facility Location Create a Facility Group Update a Facility Group Delete a Facility Group Create a FacilityContactMech Update a FacilityContactMech Delete a FacilityContactMech Create a Postal Address Update a Postal Address Create a Telecommunications Number Update a Telecommunications Number Create an Email Address Update an Email Address Create a purpose for facility contact mech Delete a purpose for facility contact mech Add ContactMech To Facility Remove ContactMech From Facility Add Facility To FacilityGroup Update Facility -> Group Member Remove Facility From FacilityGroup Add FacilityGroup To FacilityGroup Update FacilityGroup To FacilityGroup Rollup Remove FacilityGroup From FacilityGroup Create a FacilityParty record Add Party To FacilityGroup Remove Party From Facility Remove Party From FacilityGroup Create a Facility Content Delete Content From Facility Find all Stock Moves that need to be done. This service differs from the inventory transfer services in that it does not require sufficient availableToPromise to move the stock, in fact it is generally triggered because some promised inventory is in a bulk location and needs to be moved to a pick location. Find all Stock Moves that should be done based on minimum quantities on each Pick/Primary ProductFacilityLocation. Process a Physical Stock Move from one FacilityLocation to another, in the same Facility. This service will not only move quantities from one InventoryItem to another but it will also reassign any existing OrderItemShipGrpInvRes records to the new InventoryItem. Create an InventoryItemLabelType Update an InventoryItemLabelType Delete an InventoryItemLabelType Create an InventoryItemLabel Update an InventoryItemLabel Delete an InventoryItemLabel Create an InventoryItemLabelAppl Update an InventoryItemLabelAppl Delete an InventoryItemLabelAppl set order priority Find Product's inventory locations from facility Service which run as EECA (on InventoryItemDetail entity) and updates lastInventoryCount for products available in facility in ProductFacility entity Create or update GeoPoint assigned to facility