Common Application Components Shipment Services
Creates A CarrierShipmentMethod
Updates A CarrierShipmentMethod
Deletes A CarrierShipmentMethod
Creates A ShipmentMethodType
Updates A ShipmentMethodType
Deletes A ShipmentMethodType
Create Shipment, ShipmentItems and OrderShipment
Quick Ships An Entire Order Creating One Shipment Per Facility and Ship Group. All approved order items are
automatically issued in full and put into one package. The shipment is created in the INPUT status and then updated to
Quick Ships An Order By Item
The mirror of quickShipEntireOrder, this service automatically creates shipments for an entire purchase order.
All order items on each ship group is created as a Shipment. All items on a Shipment are automatically issued to a Package.
The shipment's status is first set to CREATED and then set as SHIPPED. The facilityId is used to set the destinationFacilityId
of the Shipment.
Create a Return Shipment with information from ReturnHeader fields
Create a Return Shipment and ShipmentItems with information from ReturnHeader and ReturnItems
Create a Return Shipment and ShipmentItems with primaryReturnId
Create Shipment
Update Shipment
Delete Shipment
Set Shipment Settings From Primary Order
Set Shipment Settings From Facilities
Send Shipment Scheduled Notification
Release the purchase order's items assigned to the shipment but not
actually received; it is invoked as a seca when the purchase shipment
is marked as 'received'
Check Shipment Items and cancel Item Issuance and Order Shipment
Creates a drop shipment for a ship group and calls updateShipment twice in succession to set
shipment status to PURCH_SHIP_SHIPPED and then to PURCH_SHIP_RECEIVED
Create ShipmentItem
Update ShipmentItem
Delete ShipmentItem
Splits the specified ShipmentItem creating a new ShipmentItem with the given newItemQuantity.
NOTE that this does manage OrderShipment records, but NOTHING else, so it is only to be used for Shipment
Plan stuff BEFORE the items are issued, shipment packed, etc.
Create ShipmentPackage
Update ShipmentPackage
Delete ShipmentPackage
Create ShipmentPackageContent
Update ShipmentPackageContent
Delete ShipmentPackageContent
Add Shipment Content To Package
Create ShipmentPackageRouteSeg
Update ShipmentPackageRouteSeg
Delete ShipmentPackageRouteSeg
Create ShipmentContactMech
Update ShipmentContactMech
Delete ShipmentContactMech
Create ShipmentRouteSegment
Update ShipmentRouteSegment
Delete ShipmentRouteSegment
Duplicates a shipment route segment and creates the new route segment in the NOT_STARTED status
Schedules a shipment route segment with the carrier and service level in the ShipmentRouteSegment entity.
Actual scheduling is done by an async service, and this does not return an error, so it can be called in a multi-form,
and one failed shipment scheduling does not cause other shipments to be rolled back.
Create ItemIssuance
Update ItemIssuance
Delete ItemIssuance
Create ItemIssuanceRole
Delete ItemIssuanceRole
Issue an OrderItem to a Shipment - only for non-sales orders
Add an OrderItemShipGrpInvRes to a Shipment - only for sales orders
Issue an InventoryItem to a FixedAssetMaint - for conversion to use as supples/parts
Return InventoryItem Issued to a FixedAssetMaint - for conversion to use as supples/parts
Cancel an ItemIssuance from Sales Shipment
Issue an InventoryItem to a Shipment
Verify Single Item
Verify Multiple Items
Clear the current picking session
Complete the picking and set the shipment to PICKED
Set the weight, dimensions/shipmentBoxType of package in SESSION
Update the weight, dimensions/shipmentBoxType of package
Delete the weight, dimensions/shipmentBoxType of package
Complete the packging and set the shipment to packed
Complete the packaging set the shipment to packed
Save the package(s) information in ShipmentPackage entity from session
Pack Single Item
Pack Multiple Items
Increments the next package sequence
Totals package weights and calls the calcShipmentCostEstimate via the PackingSession
Clear the current packing session
Clears the last package in the packing session
Clear a single line from the current packing session
Complete the packaging set the shipment to PACKED
Add an OrderShipment and a ShipmentItem - only for sales orders
Delete an OrderShipment and updates the ShipmentItem
get the order item quantity still not put in shipments
ShipmentReceipt Interface
Creates a ShipmentReceipt Record
Whenever a ShipmentReceipt is generated, check the Shipment associated
with it to see if all items were received. If so, change its status to
PURCH_SHIP_RECEIVED. The check is accomplished by counting the
products shipped (from ShipmentAndItem) and matching them with the
products received (from ShipmentReceipt).
Receive Inventory In Warehouse
Issues order item quantity specified to the shipment, then receives inventory for that item and quantity
Interface for ShipmentReceiptRole
Create a ShipmentReceipt Role entry
Remove a ShipmentReceipt Role entry
Create Shipment Estimate
Remove Shipment Estimate
Interface for shipment estimate calc service
Generic Shipment Cost Estimate Calc Service - Use ShipmentCostEstimate Entities
Cancel Received Items against a purchase order if received something incorrectly
Create a QuantityBreak
Update a QuantityBreak
Delete a QuantityBreak
Calculates the total value of a shipment package by totalling the results of the getOrderItemInvoicedAmountAndQuantity
service for the orderItem related to each ShipmentPackageContent, prorated by the quantity of the orderItem issued to the
ShipmentPackageContent. Value is converted according to the incoming currencyUomId.
Move a shipment into Packed status and then to Shipped status
Send a notification on Shipment Complete
Update issuance, shipment and order items if quantity received is higher than quantity on purchase order