Product Component Maintenance Services
Gets a product value object.
Gets a list of variant product value objects.
Gets a Set of product features (distinct)
Gets a tree of product variants based on a virtual product and a list of features.
Gets a Collection of products from a 'virtual' parent product.
Finds associated products by the defined type. Only one of either productId or productIdTo can be supplied,
not both. If bidirectional is set to true then the passed in productId will be treated as both a productId
and a productIdTo (defaults to false). If sortDescending is true then assocProducts will be returned sorted
by sequenceNum descending (defaults to false).
Gets a Collection of product features (ProductFeatureAndAppl) for a product.
Finds a list of SupplierProduct entities based on either a product or, if not provided, at least a productId.
If partyId and currencyUomId are given, they are used to filter the list down. Note that productId is REQUIRED, even if you are passing in a product entity.
Takes a list of product feature (either ProductFeature or ProductFeatureAndAppl) and converts
each one for the supplier specified by partyId, changing the description and idCode
Gets ProductCategoryMembers for the category_id
Set the product options for selected product category, mostly used by getDependentDropdownValues
Gets the previous and next product Ids.
Gets a productCategory and a Collection of associated productCategoryMembers and calculates limiting parameters