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(function(){ 'use strict'; angular.module('sbAdminApp') .controller('LoginCtrl', ['$scope', '$rootScope', '$state','$mdDialog','$log', 'AUTH_EVENTS', 'LoginService', 'toaster', loginCtrl]); function loginCtrl($scope, $rootScope, $state, $mdDialog,$log, AUTH_EVENTS, LoginService ,toaster) { $scope.doLogin = function() { $rootScope.auth = window.btoa($ + ':' + $scope.loginData.password); LoginService.doLogin().save($scope.loginData).$promise.then(function(result) { console.log("result",result); if(result){ $rootScope.$broadcast(AUTH_EVENTS.updateUser); LoginService.setUser(result); /*if(result.role === 'admin'){ $state.go("app.user"); } else { $state.go("app."); } */ $state.go("app.user"); } if (Notification.permission !== 'denied') { Notification.requestPermission(function(permission) { // If the user accepts, let's create a notification if (permission === "granted") { /*var notification = new Notification("Hello!");*/ } }); } }, function error(error) { console.log("ererrorror",error); if(error){ toaster.error("server error"); } }); } $scope.signUp=function(){ LoginService.signUp().save($scope.signupData).$promise.then(function(result) { console.log("result",result); // toaster.success("signed up successfully") $ $mdDialog.alert() .clickOutsideToClose(true) .title() .textContent("Please check your email and click on the verification link before logging in.") .ariaLabel('Alert') .ok('ok') ); }); } } })(); |