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var DomUtils = require("../.."); var fixture = require("../fixture"); var assert = require("assert"); // Set up expected structures var expected = { idAsdf: fixture[1], tag2: [], typeScript: [] }; for (var idx = 0; idx < 20; ++idx) { expected.tag2.push(fixture[idx*2 + 1].children[5]); expected.typeScript.push(fixture[idx*2 + 1].children[1]); } describe("legacy", function() { describe("getElements", function() { var getElements = DomUtils.getElements; it("returns the node with the specified ID", function() { assert.deepEqual( getElements({ id: "asdf" }, fixture, true, 1), [expected.idAsdf] ); }); it("returns empty array for unknown IDs", function() { assert.deepEqual(getElements({ id: "asdfs" }, fixture, true), []); }); it("returns the nodes with the specified tag name", function() { assert.deepEqual( getElements({ tag_name:"tag2" }, fixture, true), expected.tag2 ); }); it("returns empty array for unknown tag names", function() { assert.deepEqual( getElements({ tag_name : "asdfs" }, fixture, true), [] ); }); it("returns the nodes with the specified tag type", function() { assert.deepEqual( getElements({ tag_type: "script" }, fixture, true), expected.typeScript ); }); it("returns empty array for unknown tag types", function() { assert.deepEqual( getElements({ tag_type: "video" }, fixture, true), [] ); }); }); describe("getElementById", function() { var getElementById = DomUtils.getElementById; it("returns the specified node", function() { assert.equal( expected.idAsdf, getElementById("asdf", fixture, true) ); }); it("returns `null` for unknown IDs", function() { assert.equal(null, getElementById("asdfs", fixture, true)); }); }); describe("getElementsByTagName", function() { var getElementsByTagName = DomUtils.getElementsByTagName; it("returns the specified nodes", function() { assert.deepEqual( getElementsByTagName("tag2", fixture, true), expected.tag2 ); }); it("returns empty array for unknown tag names", function() { assert.deepEqual( getElementsByTagName("tag23", fixture, true), [] ); }); }); describe("getElementsByTagType", function() { var getElementsByTagType = DomUtils.getElementsByTagType; it("returns the specified nodes", function() { assert.deepEqual( getElementsByTagType("script", fixture, true), expected.typeScript ); }); it("returns empty array for unknown tag types", function() { assert.deepEqual( getElementsByTagType("video", fixture, true), [] ); }); }); describe("getOuterHTML", function() { var getOuterHTML = DomUtils.getOuterHTML; it("Correctly renders the outer HTML", function() { assert.equal( getOuterHTML(fixture[1]), "<tag1 id=\"asdf\"> <script>text</script> <!-- comment --> <tag2> text </tag2></tag1>" ); }); }); describe("getInnerHTML", function() { var getInnerHTML = DomUtils.getInnerHTML; it("Correctly renders the inner HTML", function() { assert.equal( getInnerHTML(fixture[1]), " <script>text</script> <!-- comment --> <tag2> text </tag2>" ); }); }); }); |