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language: node_js node_js: - '0.12' - '4' - '5' - '6' script: - "npm install" - "curl $GP_FAKE_BROKER > local-credentials.json" - if [[ $TRAVIS_NODE_VERSION == '6' ]]; then nyc npm test && nyc report --reporter=text-lcov | coveralls; else npm test; fi env: global: # coverity - secure: "fvzulZVjH3s1MjbmYL4qUvxI9NYq7AIt3ioPJC54fHgeHzINeDjvQFYtwVVSjTzeDsP/EcqdrTo8w9e8NRXJ/PUR17t6Q5Zlnvxj8VBPaqfZEK41RKf4CMnSTZwbPA/PHNGvmU5pu2646k+8ychnQ3jwkCDruVOBVCJwe3gRp0g=" # fakebroker - secure: "ddHbHMp/jzKzj5x5nSYoc3A9P0fmeCpMFXoziicfP4K/VwkOw+nUln17+heEHM1Q3Flk5+2UWWmiD76fNgkYCFtLMtnD4Soxy8WHnL5xIEtUVeauHhn4nIJWZ7YqMfCDXfImvygE/HEDfjDMTLJm3r0IzCbGubRlHlnUp6oHZ8o=" cache: directories: - node_modules # NPM packages - .nvm # why not addons: coverity_scan: # GitHub project metadata # ** specific to your project ** project: name: IBM-Bluemix/gp-js-client version: 1.0 description: Globalization Pipeline Javascript SDK # Where email notification of build analysis results will be sent notification_email: # Commands to prepare for build_command # ** likely specific to your build ** build_command_prepend: npm install # The command that will be added as an argument to "cov-build" to compile your project for analysis, # ** likely specific to your build ** build_command: --no-command --fs-capture-search ./lib # Pattern to match selecting branches that will run analysis. We recommend leaving this set to 'coverity_scan'. # Take care in resource usage, and consider the build frequency allowances per # branch_pattern: coverity_scan |