Blame view
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/** * `list` type prompt */ var _ = require("lodash"); var util = require("util"); var chalk = require("chalk"); var figures = require("figures"); var cliCursor = require("cli-cursor"); var Base = require("./base"); var observe = require("../utils/events"); var Paginator = require("../utils/paginator"); /** * Module exports */ module.exports = Prompt; /** * Constructor */ function Prompt() { Base.apply( this, arguments ); if (!this.opt.choices) { this.throwParamError("choices"); } this.firstRender = true; this.selected = 0; var def = this.opt.default; // Default being a Number if ( _.isNumber(def) && def >= 0 && def < this.opt.choices.realLength ) { this.selected = def; } // Default being a String if ( _.isString(def) ) { this.selected = this.opt.choices.pluck("value").indexOf( def ); } // Make sure no default is set (so it won't be printed) this.opt.default = null; this.paginator = new Paginator(); } util.inherits( Prompt, Base ); /** * Start the Inquiry session * @param {Function} cb Callback when prompt is done * @return {this} */ Prompt.prototype._run = function( cb ) { this.done = cb; var events = observe(this.rl); events.normalizedUpKey.takeUntil( events.line ).forEach( this.onUpKey.bind(this) ); events.normalizedDownKey.takeUntil( events.line ).forEach( this.onDownKey.bind(this) ); events.numberKey.takeUntil( events.line ).forEach( this.onNumberKey.bind(this) ); events.line.take(1).forEach( this.onSubmit.bind(this) ); // Init the prompt cliCursor.hide(); this.render(); return this; }; /** * Render the prompt to screen * @return {Prompt} self */ Prompt.prototype.render = function() { // Render question var message = this.getQuestion(); if ( this.firstRender ) { message += chalk.dim( "(Use arrow keys)" ); } // Render choices or answer depending on the state if ( this.status === "answered" ) { message += chalk.cyan( this.opt.choices.getChoice(this.selected).short ); } else { var choicesStr = listRender(this.opt.choices, this.selected ); var indexPosition = this.opt.choices.indexOf(this.opt.choices.getChoice(this.selected)); message += " " + this.paginator.paginate(choicesStr, indexPosition, this.opt.pageSize); } this.firstRender = false; this.screen.render(message); }; /** * When user press `enter` key */ Prompt.prototype.onSubmit = function() { var choice = this.opt.choices.getChoice( this.selected ); this.status = "answered"; // Rerender prompt this.render(); this.screen.done();; this.done( choice.value ); }; /** * When user press a key */ Prompt.prototype.onUpKey = function() { var len = this.opt.choices.realLength; this.selected = (this.selected > 0) ? this.selected - 1 : len - 1; this.render(); }; Prompt.prototype.onDownKey = function() { var len = this.opt.choices.realLength; this.selected = (this.selected < len - 1) ? this.selected + 1 : 0; this.render(); }; Prompt.prototype.onNumberKey = function( input ) { if ( input <= this.opt.choices.realLength ) { this.selected = input - 1; } this.render(); }; /** * Function for rendering list choices * @param {Number} pointer Position of the pointer * @return {String} Rendered content */ function listRender(choices, pointer) { var output = ''; var separatorOffset = 0; choices.forEach(function (choice, i) { if (choice.type === 'separator') { separatorOffset++; output += ' ' + choice + ' '; return; } var isSelected = (i - separatorOffset === pointer); var line = (isSelected ? figures.pointer + ' ' : ' ') +; if (isSelected) { line = chalk.cyan(line); } output += line + ' '; }); return output.replace(/ $/, ''); } |