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node-xml2js =========== Ever had the urge to parse XML? And wanted to access the data in some sane, easy way? Don't want to compile a C parser, for whatever reason? Then xml2js is what you're looking for! Description =========== Simple XML to JavaScript object converter. It supports bi-directional conversion. Uses [sax-js]( and [xmlbuilder-js]( Note: If you're looking for a full DOM parser, you probably want [JSDom]( Installation ============ Simplest way to install `xml2js` is to use [npm](, just `npm install xml2js` which will download xml2js and all dependencies. xml2js is also available via [Bower](, just `bower install xml2js` which will download xml2js and all dependencies. Usage ===== No extensive tutorials required because you are a smart developer! The task of parsing XML should be an easy one, so let's make it so! Here's some examples. Shoot-and-forget usage ---------------------- You want to parse XML as simple and easy as possible? It's dangerous to go alone, take this: ```javascript var parseString = require('xml2js').parseString; var xml = "<root>Hello xml2js!</root>" parseString(xml, function (err, result) { console.dir(result); }); ``` Can't get easier than this, right? This works starting with `xml2js` 0.2.3. With CoffeeScript it looks like this: ```coffeescript {parseString} = require 'xml2js' xml = "<root>Hello xml2js!</root>" parseString xml, (err, result) -> console.dir result ``` If you need some special options, fear not, `xml2js` supports a number of options (see below), you can specify these as second argument: ```javascript parseString(xml, {trim: true}, function (err, result) { }); ``` Simple as pie usage ------------------- That's right, if you have been using xml-simple or a home-grown wrapper, this was added in 0.1.11 just for you: ```javascript var fs = require('fs'), xml2js = require('xml2js'); var parser = new xml2js.Parser(); fs.readFile(__dirname + '/foo.xml', function(err, data) { parser.parseString(data, function (err, result) { console.dir(result); console.log('Done'); }); }); ``` Look ma, no event listeners! You can also use `xml2js` from [CoffeeScript](, further reducing the clutter: ```coffeescript fs = require 'fs', xml2js = require 'xml2js' parser = new xml2js.Parser() fs.readFile __dirname + '/foo.xml', (err, data) -> parser.parseString data, (err, result) -> console.dir result console.log 'Done.' ``` But what happens if you forget the `new` keyword to create a new `Parser`? In the middle of a nightly coding session, it might get lost, after all. Worry not, we got you covered! Starting with 0.2.8 you can also leave it out, in which case `xml2js` will helpfully add it for you, no bad surprises and inexplicable bugs! Parsing multiple files ---------------------- If you want to parse multiple files, you have multiple possibilities: * You can create one `xml2js.Parser` per file. That's the recommended one and is promised to always *just work*. * You can call `reset()` on your parser object. * You can hope everything goes well anyway. This behaviour is not guaranteed work always, if ever. Use option #1 if possible. Thanks! So you wanna some JSON? ----------------------- Just wrap the `result` object in a call to `JSON.stringify` like this `JSON.stringify(result)`. You get a string containing the JSON representation of the parsed object that you can feed to JSON-hungry consumers. Displaying results ------------------ You might wonder why, using `console.dir` or `console.log` the output at some level is only `[Object]`. Don't worry, this is not because `xml2js` got lazy. That's because Node uses `util.inspect` to convert the object into strings and that function stops after `depth=2` which is a bit low for most XML. To display the whole deal, you can use `console.log(util.inspect(result, false, null))`, which displays the whole result. So much for that, but what if you use [eyes]( for nice colored output and it truncates the output with `…`? Don't fear, there's also a solution for that, you just need to increase the `maxLength` limit by creating a custom inspector `var inspect = require('eyes').inspector({maxLength: false})` and then you can easily `inspect(result)`. XML builder usage ----------------- Since 0.4.0, objects can be also be used to build XML: ```javascript var fs = require('fs'), xml2js = require('xml2js'); var obj = {name: "Super", Surname: "Man", age: 23}; var builder = new xml2js.Builder(); var xml = builder.buildObject(obj); ``` At the moment, a one to one bi-directional conversion is guaranteed only for default configuration, except for `attrkey`, `charkey` and `explicitArray` options you can redefine to your taste. Writing CDATA is supported via setting the `cdata` option to `true`. Processing attribute, tag names and values ------------------------------------------ Since 0.4.1 you can optionally provide the parser with attribute name and tag name processors as well as element value processors (Since 0.4.14, you can also optionally provide the parser with attribute value processors): ```javascript function nameToUpperCase(name){ return name.toUpperCase(); } //transform all attribute and tag names and values to uppercase parseString(xml, { tagNameProcessors: [nameToUpperCase], attrNameProcessors: [nameToUpperCase], valueProcessors: [nameToUpperCase], attrValueProcessors: [nameToUpperCase]}, function (err, result) { // processed data }); ``` The `tagNameProcessors`, `attrNameProcessors`, `attrValueProcessors` and `valueProcessors` options accept an `Array` of functions with the following signature: ```javascript function (name){ //do something with `name` return name } ``` Some processors are provided out-of-the-box and can be found in `lib/processors.js`: - `normalize`: transforms the name to lowercase. (Automatically used when `options.normalize` is set to `true`) - `firstCharLowerCase`: transforms the first character to lower case. E.g. 'MyTagName' becomes 'myTagName' - `stripPrefix`: strips the xml namespace prefix. E.g `<foo:Bar/>` will become 'Bar'. (N.B.: the `xmlns` prefix is NOT stripped.) - `parseNumbers`: parses integer-like strings as integers and float-like strings as floats E.g. "0" becomes 0 and "15.56" becomes 15.56 - `parseBooleans`: parses boolean-like strings to booleans E.g. "true" becomes true and "False" becomes false Options ======= Apart from the default settings, there are a number of options that can be specified for the parser. Options are specified by ``new Parser({optionName: value})``. Possible options are: * `attrkey` (default: `$`): Prefix that is used to access the attributes. Version 0.1 default was `@`. * `charkey` (default: `_`): Prefix that is used to access the character content. Version 0.1 default was `#`. * `explicitCharkey` (default: `false`) * `trim` (default: `false`): Trim the whitespace at the beginning and end of text nodes. * `normalizeTags` (default: `false`): Normalize all tag names to lowercase. * `normalize` (default: `false`): Trim whitespaces inside text nodes. * `explicitRoot` (default: `true`): Set this if you want to get the root node in the resulting object. * `emptyTag` (default: `''`): what will the value of empty nodes be. * `explicitArray` (default: `true`): Always put child nodes in an array if true; otherwise an array is created only if there is more than one. * `ignoreAttrs` (default: `false`): Ignore all XML attributes and only create text nodes. * `mergeAttrs` (default: `false`): Merge attributes and child elements as properties of the parent, instead of keying attributes off a child attribute object. This option is ignored if `ignoreAttrs` is `false`. * `validator` (default `null`): You can specify a callable that validates the resulting structure somehow, however you want. See unit tests for an example. * `xmlns` (default `false`): Give each element a field usually called '$ns' (the first character is the same as attrkey) that contains its local name and namespace URI. * `explicitChildren` (default `false`): Put child elements to separate property. Doesn't work with `mergeAttrs = true`. If element has no children then "children" won't be created. Added in 0.2.5. * `childkey` (default `$$`): Prefix that is used to access child elements if `explicitChildren` is set to `true`. Added in 0.2.5. * `preserveChildrenOrder` (default `false`): Modifies the behavior of `explicitChildren` so that the value of the "children" property becomes an ordered array. When this is `true`, every node will also get a `#name` field whose value will correspond to the XML nodeName, so that you may iterate the "children" array and still be able to determine node names. The named (and potentially unordered) properties are also retained in this configuration at the same level as the ordered "children" array. Added in 0.4.9. * `charsAsChildren` (default `false`): Determines whether chars should be considered children if `explicitChildren` is on. Added in 0.2.5. * `includeWhiteChars` (default `false`): Determines whether whitespace-only text nodes should be included. Added in 0.4.17. * `async` (default `false`): Should the callbacks be async? This *might* be an incompatible change if your code depends on sync execution of callbacks. Future versions of `xml2js` might change this default, so the recommendation is to not depend on sync execution anyway. Added in 0.2.6. * `strict` (default `true`): Set sax-js to strict or non-strict parsing mode. Defaults to `true` which is *highly* recommended, since parsing HTML which is not well-formed XML might yield just about anything. Added in 0.2.7. * `attrNameProcessors` (default: `null`): Allows the addition of attribute name processing functions. Accepts an `Array` of functions with following signature: ```javascript function (name){ //do something with `name` return name } ``` Added in 0.4.14 * `attrValueProcessors` (default: `null`): Allows the addition of attribute value processing functions. Accepts an `Array` of functions with following signature: ```javascript function (name){ //do something with `name` return name } ``` Added in 0.4.1 * `tagNameProcessors` (default: `null`): Allows the addition of tag name processing functions. Accepts an `Array` of functions with following signature: ```javascript function (name){ //do something with `name` return name } ``` Added in 0.4.1 * `valueProcessors` (default: `null`): Allows the addition of element value processing functions. Accepts an `Array` of functions with following signature: ```javascript function (name){ //do something with `name` return name } ``` Added in 0.4.6 Options for the `Builder` class ------------------------------- These options are specified by ``new Builder({optionName: value})``. Possible options are: * `rootName` (default `root` or the root key name): root element name to be used in case `explicitRoot` is `false` or to override the root element name. * `renderOpts` (default `{ 'pretty': true, 'indent': ' ', 'newline': ' ' }`): Rendering options for xmlbuilder-js. * pretty: prettify generated XML * indent: whitespace for indentation (only when pretty) * newline: newline char (only when pretty) * `xmldec` (default `{ 'version': '1.0', 'encoding': 'UTF-8', 'standalone': true }`: XML declaration attributes. * `xmldec.version` A version number string, e.g. 1.0 * `xmldec.encoding` Encoding declaration, e.g. UTF-8 * `xmldec.standalone` standalone document declaration: true or false * `doctype` (default `null`): optional DTD. Eg. `{'ext': 'hello.dtd'}` * `headless` (default: `false`): omit the XML header. Added in 0.4.3. * `allowSurrogateChars` (default: `false`): allows using characters from the Unicode surrogate blocks. * `cdata` (default: `false`): wrap text nodes in `<![CDATA[ ... ]]>` instead of escaping when necessary. Does not add `<![CDATA[ ... ]]>` if it is not required. Added in 0.4.5. `renderOpts`, `xmldec`,`doctype` and `headless` pass through to [xmlbuilder-js]( Updating to new version ======================= Version 0.2 changed the default parsing settings, but version 0.1.14 introduced the default settings for version 0.2, so these settings can be tried before the migration. ```javascript var xml2js = require('xml2js'); var parser = new xml2js.Parser(xml2js.defaults["0.2"]); ``` To get the 0.1 defaults in version 0.2 you can just use `xml2js.defaults["0.1"]` in the same place. This provides you with enough time to migrate to the saner way of parsing in `xml2js` 0.2. We try to make the migration as simple and gentle as possible, but some breakage cannot be avoided. So, what exactly did change and why? In 0.2 we changed some defaults to parse the XML in a more universal and sane way. So we disabled `normalize` and `trim` so `xml2js` does not cut out any text content. You can reenable this at will of course. A more important change is that we return the root tag in the resulting JavaScript structure via the `explicitRoot` setting, so you need to access the first element. This is useful for anybody who wants to know what the root node is and preserves more information. The last major change was to enable `explicitArray`, so everytime it is possible that one might embed more than one sub-tag into a tag, xml2js >= 0.2 returns an array even if the array just includes one element. This is useful when dealing with APIs that return variable amounts of subtags. Running tests, development ========================== []( []( []( The development requirements are handled by npm, you just need to install them. We also have a number of unit tests, they can be run using `npm test` directly from the project root. This runs zap to discover all the tests and execute them. If you like to contribute, keep in mind that `xml2js` is written in CoffeeScript, so don't develop on the JavaScript files that are checked into the repository for convenience reasons. Also, please write some unit test to check your behaviour and if it is some user-facing thing, add some documentation to this README, so people will know it exists. Thanks in advance! Getting support =============== Please, if you have a problem with the library, first make sure you read this README. If you read this far, thanks, you're good. Then, please make sure your problem really is with `xml2js`. It is? Okay, then I'll look at it. Send me a mail and we can talk. Please don't open issues, as I don't think that is the proper forum for support problems. Some problems might as well really be bugs in `xml2js`, if so I'll let you know to open an issue instead :) But if you know you really found a bug, feel free to open an issue instead. |