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// Copyright IBM Corp. 2015,2016. All Rights Reserved. // Node module: loopback-datasource-juggler // This file is licensed under the MIT License. // License text available at 'use strict'; module.exports.buildOneToOneIdentityMapWithOrigKeys = buildOneToOneIdentityMapWithOrigKeys; module.exports.buildOneToManyIdentityMapWithOrigKeys = buildOneToManyIdentityMapWithOrigKeys; module.exports.join = join; module.exports.KVMap = KVMap; /** * Effectively builds associative map on id -> object relation and stores original keys. * Map returned in form of object with ids in keys and object as values. * @param objs array of objects to build from * @param idName name of property to be used as id. Such property considered to be unique across array. * In case of collisions last wins. For non-unique ids use buildOneToManyIdentityMap() * @returns {} object where keys are ids and values are objects itself */ function buildOneToOneIdentityMapWithOrigKeys(objs, idName) { var kvMap = new KVMap(); for (var i = 0; i < objs.length; i++) { var obj = objs[i]; var id = obj[idName]; kvMap.set(id, obj); } return kvMap; } function buildOneToManyIdentityMapWithOrigKeys(objs, idName) { var kvMap = new KVMap(); for (var i = 0; i < objs.length; i++) { var obj = objs[i]; var id = obj[idName]; var value = kvMap.get(id) || []; value.push(obj); kvMap.set(id, value); } return kvMap; } /** * Yeah, it joins. You need three things id -> obj1 map, id -> [obj2] map and merge function. * This functions will take each obj1, locate all data to join in map2 and call merge function. * @param oneToOneIdMap * @param oneToManyIdMap * @param mergeF function(obj, objectsToMergeIn) */ function join(oneToOneIdMap, oneToManyIdMap, mergeF) { var ids = oneToOneIdMap.getKeys(); for (var i = 0; i < ids.length; i++) { var id = ids[i]; var obj = oneToOneIdMap.get(id); var objectsToMergeIn = oneToManyIdMap.get(id) || []; mergeF(obj, objectsToMergeIn); } } /** * Map with arbitrary keys and values. User .set() and .get() to work with values instead of [] * @returns {{set: Function, get: Function, remove: Function, exist: Function, getKeys: Function}} * @constructor */ function KVMap() { var _originalKeyFieldName = 'originalKey'; var _valueKeyFieldName = 'value'; var _dict = {}; var keyToString = function(key) { return key.toString(); }; var mapImpl = { set: function(key, value) { var recordObj = {}; recordObj[_originalKeyFieldName] = key; recordObj[_valueKeyFieldName] = value; _dict[keyToString(key)] = recordObj; return true; }, get: function(key) { var storeObj = _dict[keyToString(key)]; if (storeObj) { return storeObj[_valueKeyFieldName]; } else { return undefined; } }, remove: function(key) { delete _dict[keyToString(key)]; return true; }, exist: function(key) { var result = _dict.hasOwnProperty(keyToString(key)); return result; }, getKeys: function() { var result = []; for (var key in _dict) { result.push(_dict[key][_originalKeyFieldName]); } return result; }, }; return mapImpl; } |