simple.js 1.38 KB
// Copyright IBM Corp. 2013,2016. All Rights Reserved.
// Node module: strong-remoting
// This file is licensed under the Artistic License 2.0.
// License text available at

// create a set of shared classes
var remoting = require('../');
var SharedClass = remoting.SharedClass
var remotes = remoting.create();
var express = require('express');
var app = express();

// define a class-like object (or constructor)
var user = {
  greet: function (fn) {
    fn(null, 'hello, world!');

// create a shared class to allow strong-remoting to map
// http requests to method invocations on your class 
var userSharedClass = new SharedClass('user', user);

// tell strong-remoting about your greet method
userSharedClass.defineMethod('greet', {
  isStatic: true, // not an instance method
  returns: [{
    arg: 'msg',
    type: 'string' // define the type of the callback arguments

// tell strong-remoting about the class

// mount the middleware on an express app

// create the http server

Test the above with curl or a rest client:
  $ node simple.js
  $ curl http://localhost:3000/user/greet 
  # responds as an object, with the msg attribute
  # set to the result of the function
    "msg": "hello, world!"
