validate.js 3.57 KB
 * Copyright (C) 2016 Michael Kourlas
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
 * Verifies that the specified string only contains characters permitted by the
 * XML specification.
 * @param str The string to validate.
 * @returns Whether the specified string only contains characters permitted by
 *          the XML specification.
 * @private
function validateChar(str) {
    var charRegex = "\\u0009|\\u000A|\\u000D|[\\u0020-\\uD7FF]|"
        + "[\\uE000-\\uFFFD]";
    var surrogateCharRegex = "[\\uD800-\\uDBFF][\\uDC00-\\uDFFF]";
    return new RegExp("^((" + charRegex + ")|(" + surrogateCharRegex + "))*$")
exports.validateChar = validateChar;
 * Verifies that the specified string only contains a single character, and
 * that this character is permitted by the XML specification.
 * @param str The string to validate.
 * @returns Whether the specified string only contains a single character, and
 *          that this character is permitted by the XML specification.
 * @private
function validateSingleChar(str) {
    if (str.length === 1) {
        return new RegExp("^\\u0009|\\u000A|\\u000D|[\\u0020-\\uD7FF]|"
            + "[\\uE000-\\uFFFD]$").test(str);
    else if (str.length === 2) {
        return new RegExp("^[\\uD800-\\uDBFF][\\uDC00-\\uDFFF]$").test(str);
    else {
        return false;
exports.validateSingleChar = validateSingleChar;
 * Verifies that the specified string only contains characters permitted by the
 * XML specification for names.
 * @param str The string to validate.
 * @returns Whether the specified string only contains characters permitted by
 *          the XML specification for names.
 * @private
function validateName(str) {
    if (str.length === 0) {
        return false;
    var nameStartChar = ":|[A-Z]|_|[a-z]|[\\u00C0-\\u00D6]|[\\u00D8-\\u00F6]"
        + "|[\\u00F8-\\u02FF]|[\\u0370-\\u037D]"
        + "|[\\u037F-\\u1FFF]|[\\u200C-\\u200D]"
        + "|[\\u2070-\\u218F]|[\\u2C00-\\u2FEF]"
        + "|[\\u3001-\\uD7FF]|[\\uF900-\\uFDCF]"
        + "|[\\uFDF0-\\uFFFD]";
    var nameStartCharWithSurrogatePair = "[\\uD800-\\uDB7F][\\uDC00-\\uDFFF]";
    var nameChar = nameStartChar + "|-|\\.|[0-9]|\\u00B7|[\\u0300-\\u036F]" +
    var nameCharWithSurrogatePair = nameChar + "|" +
    if (new RegExp("^" + nameStartChar + "$").test(str.charAt(0))) {
        if (str.length === 1) {
            return true;
        return new RegExp("^(" + nameCharWithSurrogatePair + ")+$")
    else if (str.length >= 2) {
        if (new RegExp("^" + nameStartCharWithSurrogatePair + "$")
            .test(str.substr(0, 2))) {
            if (str.length === 2) {
                return true;
            return new RegExp("^(" + nameCharWithSurrogatePair + ")+$")
    return false;
exports.validateName = validateName;