monkeypatching.tap.js 1.79 KB
'use strict';
var test = require('tap').test;

if (!process.addAsyncListener) {
  test("overwriting startup.processNextTick", function (t) {

    t.doesNotThrow(function () { require('../context.js'); });

    t.ok(process.nextTick.__wrapped, "should wrap process.nextTick()");

  test("overwriting domain helpers", function (t) {
    // domain helpers were only in 0.10.x
    if (!(process._nextDomainTick && process._tickDomainCallback)) {
      return t.end();


         "should wrap process._nextDomainTick()");
         "should wrap process._tickDomainCallback()");

  test("overwriting timers", function (t) {

    var timers = require('timers');
    t.ok(timers.setTimeout.__wrapped, "should wrap setTimeout()");
    t.ok(timers.setInterval.__wrapped, "should wrap setInterval()");

    /* It would be nice to test that monkeypatching preserves the status quo
     * ante, but assert thinks setTimeout !== global.setTimeout (why?) and both of
     * those are a wrapper around NativeModule.require("timers").setTimeout,
     * presumably to try to prevent the kind of "fun" I'm having here.

  test("overwriting setImmediate", function (t) {
    // setTimeout's a johnny-come-lately
    if (!global.setImmediate) return t.end();


    t.ok(require('timers').setImmediate.__wrapped, "should wrap setImmediate()");

    /* It would be nice to test that monkeypatching preserves the status quo
     * ante, but assert thinks setTimeout !== global.setTimeout (why?) and both of
     * those are a wrapper around NativeModule.require("timers").setTimeout,
     * presumably to try to prevent the kind of "fun" I'm having here.