var should = require('should'); var fs = require('fs'); var jayson = require(__dirname + '/..'); var support = require('./support'); var common = support.common; var http = require('http'); var https = require('https'); var url = require('url'); var serverOptions = { ca: [fs.readFileSync('./test/fixtures/keys/ca1-cert.pem')], key: fs.readFileSync('./test/fixtures/keys/agent1-key.pem'), cert: fs.readFileSync('./test/fixtures/keys/agent1-cert.pem') }; describe('Jayson.Https', function() { describe('server', function() { var server = null; after(function() { server.close(); }); it('should listen to a local port', function(done) { server = jayson.server(support.methods, support.options).https(serverOptions); server.listen(3000, 'localhost', done); }); it('should be an instance of https.Server', function() {; }); }); describe('client', function() { var server = jayson.server(support.server.methods, support.server.options); var server_https = server.https(serverOptions); var client = jayson.client.https({ reviver: support.server.options.reviver, replacer: support.server.options.replacer, host: 'localhost', port: 3000, ca: }); before(function(done) { server_https.listen(3000, 'localhost', done); }); after(function() { server_https.close(); }); describe('common tests', common(client)); it('should emit an event with the http response', function(done) { var hasFired = false; client.on('http response', function(res) {; hasFired = true; }); client.request('add', [9, 4], function(err, response) { if(err) throw err;; done(); }); }); it('should accept a URL string as the first argument', function() { var urlStr = 'https://localhost:3000'; var client = jayson.client.https(urlStr); var urlObj = url.parse(urlStr); Object.keys(urlObj).forEach(function(key) {, urlObj[key]); }); }); }); });