929 Bytes
  Reset Password Email Template
  Override Meteor defaults when sending a reset password email.

# Set name and from email.
Accounts.emailTemplates.resetPassword.siteName = "Application Name"
Accounts.emailTemplates.resetPassword.from     = "Application Admin Email <>"

# Set a subject for the reset password email.
Accounts.emailTemplates.resetPassword.subject = (user) ->
  "[Application Name] Reset Your Password"

# Set the body of the reset password email.
Accounts.emailTemplates.resetPassword.text = (user, url) ->
  email      = user.emails[0].address
  removeHash = url.replace('#/', '')
  "A password reset has been requested for the account related to this address(#{email}). To reset the password, visit the following link:\n\n #{removeHash}\n\n If you did not request this reset, please ignore this email. If you feel something is wrong, please contact support:"