diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 7ec3701..0778a5f 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -1,17 +1,56 @@
-# The Meteor Chef - Base
-A starting point for Meteor apps.
+##File Structure
- Base Version |
- v4.11.1 |
- Meteor Version |
- v1.4.2.3 |
+ |--app/
+ | |--client
+ | | |--styles/ //-- All the styles
+ | | | |--components/ //-- Depreciated LESS styles
+ | | | |--layouts/ //-- SCSS styles
+ | | | |--lib/ //-- Styling variables
+ | | | |--mixins/ //-- All the mixins
+ | | | |--vendor/ //-- Fonts and icons
+ | | | |--views/ //-- SCSS styles
+ | | |--main.html //-- Main
+ | | |--main.js //-- Import main
+ | |--imports/
+ | | |--client/ //-- Application logic
+ | | | |--app/ //-- App routes and some common components
+ | | | |--views/ //-- All the view part
+ | | | | |--app/
+ | | | | |--etc/ //-- some sample files
+ | | | | |--invalidOrg/ //--View when someone enter a non registered subdomain
+ | | | | |--nonOrg/ //--View for main site
+ | | | | |--Org/ //--Organisation specific vies
+ | | |--collections/ //-- Application collections
+ | | |--server/ //-- Server side processing and integrations
+ | |--private/
+ | | |--fixtures/ //-- Application fixtures
+ | |--public/
+ | | |--files/ //-- Raw fonts and SVG assets
+ | |--server/ //-- Main JS
+ | |--tests/ //-- For running tests
+ | |--package.json //-- Node.js dependencies
+ |
+ |
+ |--run/ //-- Handy shell scripts
-[Read the Documentation](http://themeteorchef.com/base)
+##Install application
+$ cd meteor-react/
+$ npm install
+$ ./run/app
+##Reset development environment
+To reset Meteor fixtures and clean the development environment.
+$ ./run/reset_meteor
+##Production Deployment
+//-- To do
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