### Controller: Signup Template: /client/views/public/signup.html ### # Created Template.signup.created = -> # Code to run when template is created goes here. # Rendered Template.signup.rendered = -> # Code to run when template is rendered goes here. # Helpers Template.signup.helpers( example: -> # Code to run for helper function. ) # Events Template.signup.events( 'submit form': (e,t) -> # Prevent form from submitting. e.preventDefault() # Grab the user's details. user = email: t.find('[name="emailAddress"]').value password: t.find('[name="password"]').value # Create the user's account. Meteor.call 'createUserAccount', user, (error,response) -> # If the account is created successfully, log the user in using the credentials # from above. if response.success Meteor.loginWithPassword(user.email, user.password, (error)-> alert error.reason if error ) )