### Accounts Server side account creation and manipulation methods. NPM Requires: - Fibers (https://www.npmjs.org/package/fibers) - Futures (https://www.npmjs.org/package/fibers) Configuration: - forbidClientAccountCreation: Disallow client side account creation. Methods: - createUserAccount: Performs a server-side account creation using the Meteor Accounts Password package. ### # NPM Requires Future = Npm.require('fibers/future'); Fibers = Npm.require('fibers'); # Configuration: Accounts.config( forbidClientAccountCreation: true ) # Define Methods Meteor.methods( createUserAccount: (user)-> # Check values against correct pattern. pattern = { email: String, password: String } check(user, pattern) # Define the Future so we can return to the client later. createUserAccount = new Future() # Run the Timeout function and create the user. setTimeout(-> # Run Meteor code in a Fiber. # Note: Accounts.createUser does NOT allow a callback on the server, so we currently # cannot check to see if an error took place. Fibers(-> Accounts.createUser(user) # Send a faux response back to the client. createUserAccount.return({"success": "Account successfully created!"}) ).run() ,300) # Wait for the process to complete. createUserAccount.wait() )