import { Email } from 'meteor/email' import {moment} from 'meteor/momentjs:moment' moment.locale('en-au'); export const sendInviteEmail = ({email, firstName, orgName, token}) => { const url = Meteor.absoluteUrl(`invite/${token}`); const text = ` Hello, ${firstName}! You have been invited to join the ${orgName} on Blok8 wallet. To join, use the following link: ${url} `; Email.send({ from: 'YoungDesk ', to: email, subject: `[YoungDesk] Invitation`, text: text, }); }; export const sendChangeSharePriceEmail = ({orgName, firstName, lastName, price, email}) => { const text = ` Hi ${firstName}, The current share price has been changed to $A${price} for the company ${orgName}. `; Email.send({ from: 'Blok 8 ', to: email, subject: `[Blok8] Share price has changed for ${orgName}.`, text: text, }); }; export const sendChangeNameEmail = ({firstName, lastName, email}) => { console.log(firstName); console.log(lastName); console.log(email); const text = ` Hi ${firstName}, Your name has been changed to "${firstName} ${lastName}". If you did not change your name, please reset your password. `; Email.send({ from: 'Blok 8 ', to: email, subject: `[Blok8] - Name Change`, text: text, }); }; export const sendChangePasswordEmail = ({firstName, lastName, email}) => { console.log(firstName); console.log(lastName); console.log(email); let date = moment().format('LLL'); const text = ` Hi ${firstName}, Your password was recently changed on ${date}. If you did not change your password, please reset your password immediately. `; Email.send({ from: 'Blok 8 ', to: email, subject: `[Blok8] - Password Change`, text: text, }); }; export const sendChangeEmail = ({firstName, lastName, email, newEmail}) => { console.log(firstName); console.log(lastName); console.log(email); let date = moment().format('LLL'); const text = ` Hi ${firstName}, Your email address was recently changed on ${newEmail} on ${date}. If you did not change your email address, please contact us immediately by responding to this email. `; Email.send({ from: 'Blok 8 ', to: email, subject: `[Blok8] - Email Change`, text: text, }); }; export const sendIssueSharesEmail = ({orgName, firstName, lastName, quantity, purchasePrice, shareClass,email}) => { console.log(quantity); console.log(purchasePrice); console.log(shareClass); console.log(email); const text = ` Hi ${firstName}, ${quantity} ${shareClass} shares in ${orgName} have been issued to you for A$${purchasePrice} in total. `; Email.send({ from: 'Blok 8 ', to: email, subject: `[Blok8] New shares have been issued to you in ${orgName}.`, text: text, }); }; export const sendNewAnnouncementsEmail = ({orgId, orgName, createdByUser, title, description, uniqueUrl, firstName, lastName, email}) => { const text = ` Hi ${firstName}, A new announcement has been issued by the company secretary! Title: ${title}. `; Email.send({ from: 'Blok 8 ', to: email, subject: `[Blok8] ${orgName} - New Announcement`, text: text, }); }; export const sendIssueDividendsEmail = ({ orgId, orgName, dividend, firstName, lastName, email }) => { const text = ` Hi ${firstName}! A new dividend has been issued at $A${dividend} per ordinary share for the company "${orgName}". `; Email.send({ from: 'Blok 8 ', to: email, subject: `[Blok8] A new dividend has been issued by ${orgName}`, text: text, }); };