/** * @name FAQ Plugin * @author Rod Howard * @url http://goideate.com * @date April 28, 2012 * @license GNU/GPL Version 3 * * * Example: * * $(function() { * $("element, #id, .class").technify({ * // #{EDIT-HERE}# Your run-time options go here ... * }); * }); */ /** * Create an anonymous function to avoid library conflicts */ (function($) { /** * Add our plugin to the jQuery.fn object */ $.fn.goFaq = function(options) { /** * Define some default settings */ var defaults = { enableSearch: true, enableToc: true, enableStyling: true, //numberHtml: '{{#}}.', numberHtml: '
' }; /** * Merge the runtime options with the default settings */ var options = $.extend({}, defaults, options); /** * Iterate through the collection of elements and * return the object to preserve method chaining */ return this.each(function(i) { /** * Wrap the current element in an instance of jQuery */ var $this = $(this); var $container = $this.wrap ('
'); $this.addClass ('faq-list'); if (options.enableSearch) { var $form = generateSearchForm (); $form.insertBefore ($this); } if (options.enableToc) { var $toc = generateToc ($this); $toc.insertBefore ($this); } var $empty = generateEmptySearch (); $empty.appendTo ($container); generateAnswerNumbers ($this); }); function search (e) { var el, container, filter, count, pattern, container, answers, toc, tocs, empty; el = $(this); container = el.parents ('.faq-container'); filter = el.val (); toc = container.find ('.faq-toc'); answers = container.find ('.faq-list').find ('li'); tocs = container.find ('.faq-toc').find('li'); empty = container.find ('.faq-empty'); pattern = new RegExp (filter, 'i'); answers.hide (); tocs.hide (); $.grep (answers.find ('.faq-text'), function (input) { if (pattern.test ($(input).text ())) { $(input).parents ('li').show (); var index = $(input).parents ('li').index (); tocs.eq (index).show (); } }); if (!answers.is (':visible')) { empty.show (); toc.hide (); } else { empty.hide (); toc.show (); } } function generateEmptySearch () { var $empty = $('
', { 'class': 'faq-empty' }); return $empty.html ('Nothing Found'); } function generateSearchForm () { var $form = $('
', { 'class': 'faq-search' }); var $input = $('', { 'type': 'text', 'class': 'form-control', 'name': 'search', 'placeholder': 'Search by Keyword' }); $input.appendTo ($form); $input.bind ('keyup', search) return $form; } function generateAnswerNumbers ($list) { $list.find ('li').each (function (i) { var id = parseInt (i+1); $(this).wrapInner ('
'); if (options.enableStyling) { var icon = '
' + options.numberHtml + '
'; icon = icon.replace ('{{#}}', id); $(this).prepend (icon); } }); } function generateToc ($list) { var html = '
    '; $list.find ('li').each (function (i) { var id = parseInt (i+1); html += '
  1. ' + id + '. ' + $(this).find ('h4').text () + '
  2. '; $(this).attr ('id', 'faq-' + id); }); html += '
'; var $toc = $('
', { 'class': 'faq-toc' }); $toc.html (html); return $toc; } }; })(jQuery);