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<template> <div id="page-steppers"> <v-container grid-list-xl fluid> <v-layout row wrap> <v-flex sm12> <v-subheader>Horizontal Step </v-subheader> <v-stepper v-model="step"> <v-stepper-header> <v-stepper-step step="1" :complete="step > 1">Name of step 1</v-stepper-step> <v-divider></v-divider> <v-stepper-step step="2" :complete="step > 2">Name of step 2</v-stepper-step> <v-divider></v-divider> <v-stepper-step step="3">Name of step 3</v-stepper-step> </v-stepper-header> <v-stepper-items> <v-stepper-content step="1"> <v-card color="grey lighten-1" class="mb-5" height="200px"></v-card> <v-btn color="primary" @click.native="step = 2">Continue</v-btn> <v-btn flat>Cancel</v-btn> </v-stepper-content> <v-stepper-content step="2"> <v-card color="grey lighten-1" class="mb-5" height="200px"></v-card> <v-btn color="primary" @click.native="step = 3">Continue</v-btn> <v-btn flat>Cancel</v-btn> </v-stepper-content> <v-stepper-content step="3"> <v-card color="grey lighten-1" class="mb-5" height="200px"></v-card> <v-btn color="primary" @click.native="step = 1">Continue</v-btn> <v-btn flat>Cancel</v-btn> </v-stepper-content> </v-stepper-items> </v-stepper> </v-flex> <v-flex sm12> <v-subheader>Vertical Step </v-subheader> <v-stepper v-model="e13" vertical> <v-stepper-step step="1" complete> Name of step 1 </v-stepper-step> <v-stepper-content step="1"> <v-card color="grey lighten-1" class="mb-5" height="200px"></v-card> <v-btn color="primary" @click.native="e13 = 2">Continue</v-btn> <v-btn flat>Cancel</v-btn> </v-stepper-content> <v-stepper-step step="2" complete>Name of step 2</v-stepper-step> <v-stepper-content step="2"> <v-card color="grey lighten-1" class="mb-5" height="200px"></v-card> <v-btn color="primary" @click.native="e13 = 3">Continue</v-btn> <v-btn flat>Cancel</v-btn> </v-stepper-content> <v-stepper-step step="3" :rules="[() => false]"> Ad templates <small>Alert message</small> </v-stepper-step> <v-stepper-content step="3"> <v-card color="grey lighten-1" class="mb-5" height="200px"></v-card> <v-btn color="primary" @click.native="e13 = 4">Continue</v-btn> <v-btn flat>Cancel</v-btn> </v-stepper-content> <v-stepper-step step="4">View setup instructions</v-stepper-step> <v-stepper-content step="4"> <v-card color="grey lighten-1" class="mb-5" height="200px"></v-card> <v-btn color="primary" @click.native="e13 = 1">Continue</v-btn> <v-btn flat>Cancel</v-btn> </v-stepper-content> </v-stepper> </v-flex> </v-layout> </v-container> </div> </template> <script> import VWidget from '@/components/VWidget'; export default { components: { VWidget }, data () { return { step: 1, e13: 1, }; }, computed: { }, methods: { } }; </script> |