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<template> <div id="page-alerts"> <v-container grid-list-xl fluid> <v-layout row wrap> <v-flex sm12 md6 sm6> <v-widget title="Basic Usage"> <div slot="widget-content"> <v-alert type="success" :value="true"> This is a success alert. </v-alert> <v-alert type="info" :value="true"> This is a info alert. </v-alert> <v-alert type="warning" :value="true"> This is a warning alert. </v-alert> <v-alert type="error" :value="true"> This is a error alert. </v-alert> </div> </v-widget> </v-flex> <v-flex sm12 md6 sm6> <v-widget title="Custom Icons"> <div slot="widget-content"> <v-alert color="success" icon="new_releases" :value="true"> This is a success alert with a custom icon. </v-alert> <v-alert color="warning" :value="true" icon="message"> This is a warning alert with a custom icon. </v-alert> <v-alert color="info" icon="star" :value="true"> This is a info alert with a custom icon. </v-alert> <v-alert color="error" :value="true"> This is an error alert with no icon. </v-alert> </div> </v-widget> </v-flex> <v-flex sm12 md6 sm6> <v-widget title="Outline Alerts"> <div slot="widget-content"> <v-alert outline color="success" icon="check_circle" :value="true"> This is a success alert. </v-alert> <v-alert outline color="info" icon="info" :value="true"> This is an info alert. </v-alert> <v-alert outline color="warning" icon="priority_high" :value="true"> This is a warning alert. </v-alert> <v-alert outline color="error" icon="warning" :value="true"> This is a error alert. </v-alert> </div> </v-widget> </v-flex> <v-flex sm12 md6 sm6> <v-widget title="Closable Alerts"> <div slot="widget-content"> <v-alert type="success" dismissible v-model="alert.showSuccess" transition="scale-transition"> This is a success alert that is closable with scale transition. </v-alert> <v-alert type="error" dismissible v-model="alert.showError"> This is a error alert that is closable. </v-alert> <v-alert type="warning" dismissible v-model="alert.showWarnning"> This is a warning alert that is closable. </v-alert> <v-alert type="info" dismissible v-model="alert.showInfo"> This is a info alert that is closable. </v-alert> <div class="text-xs-center"> <v-btn color="primary" dark @click="handleReset">Reset</v-btn> </div> </div> </v-widget> </v-flex> </v-layout> </v-container> </div> </template> <script> import VWidget from '@/components/VWidget'; export default { components: { VWidget }, data () { return { alert: { showSuccess: true, showError: true, showWarnning: true, showInfo: true, } }; }, computed: { showReset: function () { return (this.alert.showSuccess === this.alert.showError === this.alert.showWarnning === this.alert.showInfo === false); } }, methods: { handleReset () { this.alert.showError = true; this.alert.showSuccess = true; this.alert.showWarnning = true; this.alert.showInfo = true; } } }; </script> |