XmlNode.d.ts 4.52 KB
 * Copyright (C) 2016 Michael Kourlas
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
import { IStringOptions } from "../options";
 * Represents an XML node.
 * This class is the root class of the XML node hierarchy. It should not be
 * directly instantiated; one of its subclasses should be used instead.
 * @protected
export default class XmlNode {
    protected _children: XmlNode[];
    private _parent?;
     * Initializes a new instance of the {@link XmlNode} class.
     * Gets the parent of this node.
     * @returns The parent of this node.
    readonly parent: XmlNode | undefined;
     * Gets this node's children.
     * Throws an exception if this node cannot have any children. Consult the
     * appropriate subclass documentation for more details.
     * @returns This node's children.
    children(): XmlNode[];
     * Inserts the specified node into this node's children at the specified
     * index. The node is not inserted if it is already present. If this node
     * already has a parent, it is removed from that parent.
     * Throws an exception if this node cannot have any children, or if the
     * specified node cannot be added at the specified index. Consult the
     * appropriate subclass documentation for more details.
     * @param node The node to insert.
     * @param index The index at which to insert the node. Nodes at or after
     *              the index are shifted to the right. If no index is
     *              specified, the node is inserted at the end.
     * @returns The node inserted into this node's children, or undefined if no
     *          node was inserted.
    insertChild(node: XmlNode, index?: number): XmlNode | undefined;
     * Gets the node that follows this one, or undefined if no such node
     * exists or if this node has no parent.
     * @returns The node that follows this one, or undefined if no such node
     *          exists or if this node has no parent.
    next(): XmlNode | undefined;
     * Gets the node that is previous to this one, or undefined if no such node
     * exists or if this node has no parent.
     * @returns The node that is previous to this one, or undefined if no such
     *          node exists or if this node has no parent.
    prev(): XmlNode | undefined;
     * Removes this node from its parent if this node has a parent.
     * @returns This node's parent, or undefined if it has no parent.
    remove(): XmlNode | undefined;
     * Removes the specified node from this node's children.
     * Throws an exception if this node cannot have any children, or if the
     * specified node cannot be removed. Consult the appropriate subclass
     * documentation for more details.
     * @param node The node to remove.
     * @returns Whether a node was removed.
    removeChild(node: XmlNode): boolean;
     * Removes the node at the specified index from this node's children.
     * Throws an exception if this node cannot have any children, or if the
     * node at the specified index cannot be removed. Consult the appropriate
     * subclass documentation for more details.
     * @param index The index at which the node to be removed is located.
     * @returns The node that was removed.
    removeChildAtIndex(index: number): XmlNode;
     * Returns an XML string representation of this node.
     * @param options Formatting options for the string representation.
     * @returns An XML string representation of this node.
    toString(options?: IStringOptions): string;
     * Returns the root node of the current hierarchy. If this node has no
     * parent, this node itself is returned.
     * @returns The root node of the current hierarchy.
    top(): XmlNode;
     * Gets the parent of this node.
    up(): XmlNode | undefined;