buffer/typed array agnostic buffer operations.
var binary = require('bops')
binary.readUInt8(new Buffer(10), 0) // === 10
in browser, will default to using Uint8Array
in node, will default to using Buffer
supported encodings
- utf8
- hex
- base64
bops.from(str, encoding="utf8") -> buf
given a string (and optional encoding) return a native buffer instance. also accepts arrays., encoding="utf8") -> str
given a native buffer (and optional encoding) return a string. -> bool
given a native buffer returns true. Returns false for other values.
bops.subarray(buf, start[, end]) -> buf
return a view onto the original buffer.
bops.join([buf, buf, buf]) -> buf
compile several buffers into a single buffer.
bops.create(size) -> buf
create a native buffer instance of size
bops.copy(source, target, target_start, source_start, source_end)
perform a fast copy from one native buffer to another.
readUInt8(buf, at)
readInt8(buf, at)
readUInt16LE(buf, at)
readUInt32LE(buf, at)
readInt8(buf, at)
readInt16LE(buf, at)
readInt32LE(buf, at)
readFloatLE(buf, at)
readDoubleLE(buf, at)
readUInt16BE(buf, at)
readUInt32BE(buf, at)
readInt16BE(buf, at)
readInt32BE(buf, at)
readFloatBE(buf, at)
readDoubleBE(buf, at)
read a value from a buffer at a given byte offset.
writeUInt8(buf, value, at)
writeInt8(buf, value, at)
writeUInt16LE(buf, value, at)
writeUInt32LE(buf, value, at)
writeInt8(buf, value, at)
writeInt16LE(buf, value, at)
writeInt32LE(buf, value, at)
writeFloatLE(buf, value, at)
writeDoubleLE(buf, value, at)
writeUInt16BE(buf, value, at)
writeUInt32BE(buf, value, at)
writeInt16BE(buf, value, at)
writeInt32BE(buf, value, at)
writeFloatBE(buf, value, at)
writeDoubleBE(buf, value, at)
write a value to a buffer at a given byte offset.