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HAR Validator version License

Extremely fast HTTP Archive (HAR) validator using JSON Schema.

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npm install --only=production --save har-validator


I recommend using an optimized build matching your Node.js environment version, otherwise, the standard require would work just fine with any version of Node >= v4.0 .

 * Node 7
const validate = require('har-validator/lib/node7')

 * Node 6
const validate = require('har-validator/lib/node6')

 * Node 4 (Default)
var validate = require('har-validator')

CLI Usage

Please refer to <code>har-cli</code> for more info.


Note: as of <code>v2.0.0</code> this module defaults to Promise based API. For backward comptability with v1.x an async/callback API is also provided

:copyright:  ·  License: ISC  ·  Github: @ahmadnassri  ·  Twitter: @ahmadnassri