856 Bytes
  Route Filters
  Filters for managing user access to application routes.

# Define Filters

  Filter: Check if a User is Logged In
  If a user is not logged in and attempts to go to an authenticated route,
  re-route them to the login screen.
checkUserLoggedIn = ->
  if not Meteor.loggingIn() and not Meteor.user()
    Router.go '/login'

  Filter: Check if a User Exists
  If a user is logged in and attempts to go to a public route, re-route
  them to the main "logged in" screen.
userAuthenticated = ->
  if not Meteor.loggingIn() and Meteor.user()
    Router.go '/'

# Run Filters

Router.onBeforeAction checkUserLoggedIn, except: [

Router.onBeforeAction userAuthenticated, only: [