05 Dec, 2014
5 commits
18 Nov, 2014
2 commits
01 Nov, 2014
2 commits
28 Oct, 2014
1 commit
22 Oct, 2014
1 commit
Update packages to latest versions.
08 Oct, 2014
4 commits
session variable returns true. Set currentRoute session variable in /client/routes/routes-public.coffee for each route. Use currentRoute UI helper to add active class to login and signup menu items in /client/includes/_header.html.
28 Sep, 2014
9 commits
authentication steps. Simplify signup form to use Accounts.createUser as opposed to unnecessary method.
signup links when a user is not logged in.
logout item in dropdown. Add current user email address as dropdown parent.
27 Sep, 2014
1 commit
23 Sep, 2014
8 commits
title from Authentication block, add Validation block.
Add templates, controllers, and email templates for recovering and resetting passwords.
and current Meteor version. Change name of Not Found template to use a hyphen instead of camel case.
automatic creation of an admin user on startup.
06 Sep, 2014
1 commit
30 Jul, 2014
5 commits
the user is authenticated (with a template). Update file tree in README. Add an NPM packages package to import NPM modules.
29 Jul, 2014
1 commit