08 Jan, 2015
4 commits
Add allow/deny rules for Meteor.users collection to prevent any client side operations. Fixes #7.
19 Dec, 2014
5 commits
Add twbs:bootstrap package. Update README.md to reference new package.
10 Dec, 2014
3 commits
07 Dec, 2014
2 commits
05 Dec, 2014
8 commits
Ensure that versions referenced for packages are correct. Correct file tree in README.md.
18 Nov, 2014
2 commits
01 Nov, 2014
2 commits
28 Oct, 2014
1 commit
22 Oct, 2014
1 commit
Update packages to latest versions.
08 Oct, 2014
4 commits
session variable returns true. Set currentRoute session variable in /client/routes/routes-public.coffee for each route. Use currentRoute UI helper to add active class to login and signup menu items in /client/includes/_header.html.
28 Sep, 2014
8 commits
authentication steps. Simplify signup form to use Accounts.createUser as opposed to unnecessary method.
signup links when a user is not logged in.
logout item in dropdown. Add current user email address as dropdown parent.