Name Last Update
.meteor Loading commit data...
client Loading commit data...
imports Loading commit data...
private Loading commit data...
public Loading commit data...
run Loading commit data...
server Loading commit data...
tests Loading commit data...
.editorconfig Loading commit data...
.gitignore Loading commit data... Loading commit data...
bitbucket-pipelines.yml Loading commit data...
package.json Loading commit data...
settings-development.json Loading commit data...

Tech stack is Meteor in backend and react in front-end. We are using react-router for all the routing purpose.

##File Structure

  |  |--client
  |  |  |--styles/         //-- All the styles
  |  |  |  |--components/  //-- Depreciated LESS styles
  |  |  |  |--layouts/     //-- SCSS styles
  |  |  |  |--lib/         //-- Styling variables
  |  |  |  |--mixins/      //-- All the mixins
  |  |  |  |--vendor/      //-- Fonts and icons
  |  |  |  |--views/       //-- SCSS styles
  |  |  |--main.html       //-- Main
  |  |  |--main.js         //-- Import main
  |  |--imports/
  |  |  |--client/           //-- Application logic
  |  |  |  |--app/           //-- App routes and some common components
  |  |  |  |--views/         //-- All the view part
  |  |  |  |  |--app/
  |  |  |  |  |--etc/        //-- some sample files
  |  |  |  |  |--invalidOrg/ //--View when someone enter a non registered subdomain
  |  |  |  |  |--nonOrg/     //--View for main site 
  |  |  |  |  |--Org/        //--Organisation specific vies
  |  |  |--collections/    //-- Application collections
  |  |  |--server/         //-- Server side processing and integrations
  |  |--private/
  |  |  |--fixtures/       //-- Application fixtures
  |  |--public/
  |  |  |--files/          //-- Raw fonts and SVG assets
  |  |--server/            //-- Main JS
  |  |--tests/             //-- For running tests
  |  |--package.json       //-- Node.js dependencies
  |  |--run/                  //-- Handy shell scripts

##Install application

install meteor from this link.

install git and clone this repo. cd into the ydapp folder

$ cd ydapp/

to install all the dependencies, run below command

$ meteor npm install

To start the app

$ ./run/app

above command won't run for windows. For windows only, run below command to start the app

meteor --settings settings-development.json

go to below URL to check the running app


##Reset development environment To reset Meteor fixtures and clean the development environment.

$ ./run/reset_meteor

##Production Deployment
//-- To do