Cards.vue 5.52 KB
  <div id="pageCard">
    <v-container grid-list-xl fluid>
      <v-layout row wrap>
        <v-flex sm12>
        <v-flex lg4 sm12>
          <v-card color="purple" dark>
            <v-card-title class="pb-0">
              <h4>Basic card with `purple` background</h4>
              <v-btn flat small>Link</v-btn>
        <v-flex lg4 sm12>
          <v-card color="teal" dark>
            <v-card-title class="pb-0">
              <h4>Basic card with `teal` background</h4>
              <v-btn flat small>Link</v-btn>
        <v-flex lg4 sm12>
            <v-card-title class="pb-0">
              <v-btn flat small>Link</v-btn>
      <v-layout row wrap>
        <v-flex sm12>
          <h3>Image Card</h3>
        <v-flex lg4 sm12>
            <v-card-media src="/static/bg/8.jpg" height="250">
              <h2 class="white--text pa-3">
                Card with image
              <v-btn flat small>Link</v-btn>
        <v-flex lg4 sm12>
            <v-card-media src="/static/nature/n3.jpeg" height="250">
              <h2 class="white--text pa-3">
                Card with image
              <v-avatar size="64px" class="right mt-56">
                <img src="/static/avatar/man_2.jpg" alt="">
              <v-btn flat small>Link</v-btn>
        <v-flex lg4 sm12>
            <v-card-media src="/static/nature/n4.jpeg" height="250">
              <h2 class="white--text pa-3">
                Card with image
              <v-btn icon fab color="red" dark class="right mt-45">
              <v-btn flat small>Link</v-btn>
      <v-layout row wrap>
        <v-flex sm12>
          <h3>Carousel Cards</h3>
        <v-flex lg4 sm12>
          <v-carousel hide-controls hide-delimiters class="fill-height">
              <v-card color="indigo" dark>
                <v-card-title class="pb-0">
                  <h3>Basic card with `purple` background</h3>
                  <v-btn flat small>Link</v-btn>
              <v-card color="teal" dark>
                <v-card-title class="pb-0">
                  <h3>Basic card with `purple` background</h3>
                  <v-btn flat small>Link</v-btn>
              <v-card color="purple" dark>
                <v-card-title class="pb-0">
                  <h3>Basic card with `purple` background</h3>
                  <v-btn flat small>Link</v-btn>

import VWidget from '@/components/VWidget';
export default {
  components: {
  data () {
    return {
      show: true,
      cardText: 'Hey there, I am a very simple card. I am good at containing small bits of information. I am quite convenient because I require little markup to use effectively.'
  computed: {
  methods: {
<style lang="stylus" scoped>
    margin-top: -45px
    margin-top: -56px  