Commit c17e4f0cd99872a69ca6593042abb45bd0735936

Authored by Jatinder Singh
1 parent ab72cb6280

question changes

File was created 1 <template>
2 <v-container grid-list-xl>
3 <v-flex>
4 <v-card>
5 <v-spacer></v-spacer>
6 <v-dialog v-model="dialog" max-width="800px">
8 <v-card>
9 <v-card-title>
10 <span class="headline">{{ formTitle }}</span>
11 <v-spacer></v-spacer>
12 <v-icon @click="close">close</v-icon>
13 </v-card-title>
14 <v-flex>
15 <v-card>
16 <v-card-text>
17 <span>
18 <p><b>Ana Suggestion:</b> Select Suggestion</p></span>
19 <h5>Select Category:</h5>
20 <span>
21 <v-btn color="grey darken-2" flat>Suggestion</v-btn>
22 <v-btn color="grey darken-2" flat>Sex</v-btn>
23 <v-btn color="grey darken-2" flat>Health</v-btn>
24 <v-btn color="grey darken-2" flat>Skin & Beauty</v-btn>
25 <v-btn color="grey darken-2" flat>Diet & Ex</v-btn>
26 </span>
27 </v-card-text>
28 </v-card>
29 </v-flex>
30 <v-card-text>
32 <v-container grid-list-md>
33 <v-layout wrap>
34 <v-flex xs12 sm6 md12>
35 <v-textarea
36 solo
37 v-model="AddQuestioncredentials.question"
38 name="input-7-4"
39 label="Type Question"
40 ></v-textarea>
41 </v-flex>
42 </v-layout>
43 </v-container>
44 </v-card-text>
46 <v-card-actions>
47 <v-spacer></v-spacer>
48 <v-btn dark large @click.native="save">Post Question</v-btn>
49 </v-card-actions>
50 </v-card>
51 </v-dialog>
55 <v-dialog v-model="dialog1" max-width="800px">
56 <v-card>
57 <v-card-title>
58 <span class="headline">Edit Question</span>
59 <v-spacer></v-spacer>
60 <v-icon @click="close1">close</v-icon>
61 </v-card-title>
63 <v-card-text>
64 <v-layout wrap>
65 <v-flex xs12 sm6 md12>
66 <v-text-field outline v-model="editedItem.ques" label="Question"></v-text-field>
67 </v-flex>
68 </v-layout>
69 <span><p> <b>Ana suggestion:</b> Abnormal Uterine Bleeding <br>
70 Diagnosis 1,Diagnosis 2,Diagnosis 3
71 <v-btn dark large @click.native="save1" style="position:absolute; top:163px; right:5px;">Save Edit</v-btn></p></span>
72 </v-card-text>
73 </v-card>
74 </v-dialog>
75 <v-data-table
76 :headers="headers"
77 :items="desserts"
78 class="elevation-1"
79 :pagination.sync="pagination"
80 >
81 <template slot="items" slot-scope="props">
82 <tr v-if="props.index === 0">
83 <td id="td">&nbsp;</td>
84 <td>
85 <span style="cursor:pointer" @click="dialog=true"> <v-icon>add</v-icon>Add New Question</span>
86 </td>
87 <td id="td">&nbsp;</td>
88 <td id="td">&nbsp;</td>
89 </tr>
90 <tr>
91 <td id="td" class="text-xs-center">{{ }}</td>
92 <td id="td">{{ props.item.ques }}</td>
93 <td id="td" class="text-xs-center">{{ props.item.res }}</td>
94 <td class="text-xs-center">
95 <span>
96 <img style="cursor:pointer; height:18px; " class="mr-5" @click="editItem(props.item)" src="/static/icon/edit1.png"/>
97 <img style="cursor:pointer; height:20px; " class="mr-5" @click="deleteItem(props.item)" src="/static/icon/delete1.png"/>
98 </span>
99 </td>
100 </tr>
101 </template>
102 </v-data-table>
103 </v-card>
104 </v-flex>
106 </v-container>
107 </template>
108 <script>
109 export default {
110 data: () => ({
111 question: '',
112 AddQuestioncredentials: {},
113 dialog: false,
114 dialog1: false,
115 isActive: true,
116 newActive: false,
117 pagination: {
118 rowsPerPage: 10,
119 },
120 headers: [
121 {
122 text: 'No.',
123 align: 'center',
124 sortable: false,
125 value: 'name'
126 },
127 { text: 'Posts', value: 'posts', sortable: false, align: 'center' },
128 { text: 'Responses', value: 'responses', sortable: false, align: 'center' },
129 { text: '', value: 'carbs', sortable: false, align: 'center' },
130 ],
131 desserts: [],
132 editedIndex: -1,
133 editedItem: {
134 question: '',
136 },
137 defaultItem: {
138 no: 0,
139 question: '',
140 res: 0,
142 }
143 }),
145 computed: {
146 formTitle () {
147 return this.editedIndex === -1 ? 'Create New Question' : 'Edit Question';
148 }
149 },
151 watch: {
152 dialog (val) {
153 val || this.close();
154 }
155 },
157 created () {
158 this.initialize();
159 },
161 methods: {
162 initialize () {
163 this.desserts = [
164 {
165 no: '1',
166 ques: 'questions diet',
167 res: 12,
168 },
169 ];
170 },
172 editItem (item) {
173 this.editedIndex = this.desserts.indexOf(item);
174 this.editedItem = Object.assign({}, item);
175 this.dialog1 = true;
176 },
178 deleteItem (item) {
179 const index = this.desserts.indexOf(item);
180 confirm('Are you sure you want to delete this item?') && this.desserts.splice(index, 1);
181 },
183 close () {
184 this.dialog = false;
185 setTimeout(() => {
186 this.editedItem = Object.assign({}, this.defaultItem);
187 this.editedIndex = -1;
188 }, 300);
189 },
190 close1 () {
191 this.dialog1 = false;
192 setTimeout(() => {
193 this.editedItem = Object.assign({}, this.defaultItem);
194 this.editedIndex = -1;
195 }, 300);
196 },
197 save () {
198 console.log('editedItem', this.editedItem);
199 if (this.editedIndex > -1) {
200 Object.assign(this.desserts[this.editedIndex], this.editedItem);
201 } else {
202 this.desserts.push(this.editedItem);
203 }
204 this.close();
205 },
206 save1 () {
207 console.log('editedItem', this.editedItem);
208 if (this.editedIndex > -1) {
209 Object.assign(this.desserts[this.editedIndex], this.editedItem);
210 } else {
211 this.desserts.push(this.editedItem);
212 }
213 this.close1();
214 }
215 },
216 // switchComponent (comp) {
217 // this.$emit('switchComp', comp);
218 // }
219 };
220 </script>
221 <style>
222 #td{
223 border: 1px solid #dddddd;
224 text-align: left;
225 padding: 8px;
227 }
228 </style>
File was created 1 <template>
2 <v-container grid-list-xl>
3 <v-flex>
4 <v-card>
5 <v-spacer></v-spacer>
6 <v-dialog v-model="dialog" max-width="800px">
8 <v-card>
9 <v-card-title>
10 <span class="headline">{{ formTitle }}</span>
11 <v-spacer></v-spacer>
12 <v-icon @click="close">close</v-icon>
13 </v-card-title>
14 <v-flex>
15 <v-card>
16 <v-card-text>
17 <span>
18 <p><b>Ana Suggestion:</b> Select Suggestion</p></span>
19 <h5>Select Category:</h5>
20 <span>
21 <v-btn color="grey darken-2" flat>Suggestion</v-btn>
22 <v-btn color="grey darken-2" flat>Sex</v-btn>
23 <v-btn color="grey darken-2" flat>Health</v-btn>
24 <v-btn color="grey darken-2" flat>Skin & Beauty</v-btn>
25 <v-btn color="grey darken-2" flat>Diet & Ex</v-btn>
26 </span>
27 </v-card-text>
28 </v-card>
29 </v-flex>
30 <v-card-text>
32 <v-container grid-list-md>
33 <v-layout wrap>
34 <v-flex xs12 sm6 md12>
35 <v-textarea
36 solo
37 v-model="AddQuestioncredentials.question"
38 name="input-7-4"
39 label="Type Question"
40 ></v-textarea>
41 </v-flex>
42 </v-layout>
43 </v-container>
44 </v-card-text>
46 <v-card-actions>
47 <v-spacer></v-spacer>
48 <v-btn dark large @click.native="save">Post Question</v-btn>
49 </v-card-actions>
50 </v-card>
51 </v-dialog>
55 <v-dialog v-model="dialog1" max-width="800px">
56 <v-card>
57 <v-card-title>
58 <span class="headline">Edit Question</span>
59 <v-spacer></v-spacer>
60 <v-icon @click="close1">close</v-icon>
61 </v-card-title>
63 <v-card-text>
64 <v-layout wrap>
65 <v-flex xs12 sm6 md12>
66 <v-text-field outline v-model="editedItem.ques" label="Question"></v-text-field>
67 </v-flex>
68 </v-layout>
69 <span><p> <b>Ana suggestion:</b> Abnormal Uterine Bleeding <br>
70 Diagnosis 1,Diagnosis 2,Diagnosis 3
71 <v-btn dark large @click.native="save1" style="position:absolute; top:163px; right:5px;">Save Edit</v-btn></p></span>
72 </v-card-text>
73 </v-card>
74 </v-dialog>
75 <v-data-table
76 :headers="headers"
77 :items="desserts"
78 class="elevation-1"
79 :pagination.sync="pagination"
80 >
81 <template slot="items" slot-scope="props">
82 <tr v-if="props.index === 0">
83 <td id="td">&nbsp;</td>
84 <td>
85 <span style="cursor:pointer" @click="dialog=true"> <v-icon>add</v-icon>Add New Question</span>
86 </td>
87 <td id="td">&nbsp;</td>
88 <td id="td">&nbsp;</td>
89 </tr>
90 <tr>
91 <td id="td" class="text-xs-center">{{ }}</td>
92 <td id="td">{{ props.item.ques }}</td>
93 <td id="td" class="text-xs-center">{{ props.item.res }}</td>
94 <td class="text-xs-center">
95 <span>
96 <img style="cursor:pointer; height:18px; " class="mr-5" @click="editItem(props.item)" src="/static/icon/edit1.png"/>
97 <img style="cursor:pointer; height:20px; " class="mr-5" @click="deleteItem(props.item)" src="/static/icon/delete1.png"/>
98 </span>
99 </td>
100 </tr>
101 </template>
102 </v-data-table>
103 </v-card>
104 </v-flex>
106 </v-container>
107 </template>
108 <script>
109 export default {
110 data: () => ({
111 question: '',
112 AddQuestioncredentials: {},
113 dialog: false,
114 dialog1: false,
115 isActive: true,
116 newActive: false,
117 pagination: {
118 rowsPerPage: 10,
119 },
120 headers: [
121 {
122 text: 'No.',
123 align: 'center',
124 sortable: false,
125 value: 'name'
126 },
127 { text: 'Posts', value: 'posts', sortable: false, align: 'center' },
128 { text: 'Responses', value: 'responses', sortable: false, align: 'center' },
129 { text: '', value: 'carbs', sortable: false, align: 'center' },
130 ],
131 desserts: [],
132 editedIndex: -1,
133 editedItem: {
134 question: '',
136 },
137 defaultItem: {
138 no: 0,
139 question: '',
140 res: 0,
142 }
143 }),
145 computed: {
146 formTitle () {
147 return this.editedIndex === -1 ? 'Create New Question' : 'Edit Question';
148 }
149 },
151 watch: {
152 dialog (val) {
153 val || this.close();
154 }
155 },
157 created () {
158 this.initialize();
159 },
161 methods: {
162 initialize () {
163 this.desserts = [
164 {
165 no: '1',
166 ques: 'questions health',
167 res: 11,
168 },
169 ];
170 },
172 editItem (item) {
173 this.editedIndex = this.desserts.indexOf(item);
174 this.editedItem = Object.assign({}, item);
175 this.dialog1 = true;
176 },
178 deleteItem (item) {
179 const index = this.desserts.indexOf(item);
180 confirm('Are you sure you want to delete this item?') && this.desserts.splice(index, 1);
181 },
183 close () {
184 this.dialog = false;
185 setTimeout(() => {
186 this.editedItem = Object.assign({}, this.defaultItem);
187 this.editedIndex = -1;
188 }, 300);
189 },
190 close1 () {
191 this.dialog1 = false;
192 setTimeout(() => {
193 this.editedItem = Object.assign({}, this.defaultItem);
194 this.editedIndex = -1;
195 }, 300);
196 },
197 save () {
198 console.log('editedItem', this.editedItem);
199 if (this.editedIndex > -1) {
200 Object.assign(this.desserts[this.editedIndex], this.editedItem);
201 } else {
202 this.desserts.push(this.editedItem);
203 }
204 this.close();
205 },
206 save1 () {
207 console.log('editedItem', this.editedItem);
208 if (this.editedIndex > -1) {
209 Object.assign(this.desserts[this.editedIndex], this.editedItem);
210 } else {
211 this.desserts.push(this.editedItem);
212 }
213 this.close1();
214 }
215 },
216 // switchComponent (comp) {
217 // this.$emit('switchComp', comp);
218 // }
219 };
220 </script>
221 <style>
222 #td{
223 border: 1px solid #dddddd;
224 text-align: left;
225 padding: 8px;
227 }
228 </style>
File was created 1 <template>
2 <v-container grid-list-xl>
3 <v-flex>
4 <v-card>
5 <v-spacer></v-spacer>
6 <v-dialog v-model="dialog" max-width="800px">
8 <v-card>
9 <v-card-title>
10 <span class="headline">{{ formTitle }}</span>
11 <v-spacer></v-spacer>
12 <v-icon @click="close">close</v-icon>
13 </v-card-title>
14 <v-flex>
15 <v-card>
16 <v-card-text>
17 <span>
18 <p><b>Ana Suggestion:</b> Select Suggestion</p></span>
19 <h5>Select Category:</h5>
20 <span>
21 <v-btn color="grey darken-2" flat>Suggestion</v-btn>
22 <v-btn color="grey darken-2" flat>Sex</v-btn>
23 <v-btn color="grey darken-2" flat>Health</v-btn>
24 <v-btn color="grey darken-2" flat>Skin & Beauty</v-btn>
25 <v-btn color="grey darken-2" flat>Diet & Ex</v-btn>
26 </span>
27 </v-card-text>
28 </v-card>
29 </v-flex>
30 <v-card-text>
32 <v-container grid-list-md>
33 <v-layout wrap>
34 <v-flex xs12 sm6 md12>
35 <v-textarea
36 solo
37 v-model="AddQuestioncredentials.question"
38 name="input-7-4"
39 label="Type Question"
40 ></v-textarea>
41 </v-flex>
42 </v-layout>
43 </v-container>
44 </v-card-text>
46 <v-card-actions>
47 <v-spacer></v-spacer>
48 <v-btn dark large @click.native="save">Post Question</v-btn>
49 </v-card-actions>
50 </v-card>
51 </v-dialog>
55 <v-dialog v-model="dialog1" max-width="800px">
56 <v-card>
57 <v-card-title>
58 <span class="headline">Edit Question</span>
59 <v-spacer></v-spacer>
60 <v-icon @click="close1">close</v-icon>
61 </v-card-title>
63 <v-card-text>
64 <v-layout wrap>
65 <v-flex xs12 sm6 md12>
66 <v-text-field outline v-model="editedItem.ques" label="Question"></v-text-field>
67 </v-flex>
68 </v-layout>
69 <span><p> <b>Ana suggestion:</b> Abnormal Uterine Bleeding <br>
70 Diagnosis 1,Diagnosis 2,Diagnosis 3
71 <v-btn dark large @click.native="save1" style="position:absolute; top:163px; right:5px;">Save Edit</v-btn></p></span>
72 </v-card-text>
73 </v-card>
74 </v-dialog>
75 <v-data-table
76 :headers="headers"
77 :items="desserts"
78 class="elevation-1"
79 :pagination.sync="pagination"
80 >
81 <template slot="items" slot-scope="props">
82 <tr v-if="props.index === 0">
83 <td id="td">&nbsp;</td>
84 <td>
85 <span style="cursor:pointer" @click="dialog=true"> <v-icon>add</v-icon>Add New Question</span>
86 </td>
87 <td id="td">&nbsp;</td>
88 <td id="td">&nbsp;</td>
89 </tr>
90 <tr>
91 <td id="td" class="text-xs-center">{{ }}</td>
92 <td id="td">{{ props.item.ques }}</td>
93 <td id="td" class="text-xs-center">{{ props.item.res }}</td>
94 <td class="text-xs-center">
95 <span>
96 <img style="cursor:pointer; height:18px; " class="mr-5" @click="editItem(props.item)" src="/static/icon/edit1.png"/>
97 <img style="cursor:pointer; height:20px; " class="mr-5" @click="deleteItem(props.item)" src="/static/icon/delete1.png"/>
98 </span>
99 </td>
100 </tr>
101 </template>
102 </v-data-table>
103 </v-card>
104 </v-flex>
106 </v-container>
107 </template>
108 <script>
109 export default {
110 data: () => ({
111 question: '',
112 AddQuestioncredentials: {},
113 dialog: false,
114 dialog1: false,
115 isActive: true,
116 newActive: false,
117 pagination: {
118 rowsPerPage: 10,
119 },
120 headers: [
121 {
122 text: 'No.',
123 align: 'center',
124 sortable: false,
125 value: 'name'
126 },
127 { text: 'Posts', value: 'posts', sortable: false, align: 'center' },
128 { text: 'Responses', value: 'responses', sortable: false, align: 'center' },
129 { text: '', value: 'carbs', sortable: false, align: 'center' },
130 ],
131 desserts: [],
132 editedIndex: -1,
133 editedItem: {
134 question: '',
136 },
137 defaultItem: {
138 no: 0,
139 question: '',
140 res: 0,
142 }
143 }),
145 computed: {
146 formTitle () {
147 return this.editedIndex === -1 ? 'Create New Question' : 'Edit Question';
148 }
149 },
151 watch: {
152 dialog (val) {
153 val || this.close();
154 }
155 },
157 created () {
158 this.initialize();
159 },
161 methods: {
162 initialize () {
163 this.desserts = [
164 {
165 no: '1',
166 ques: 'questions sex',
167 res: 8,
168 },
169 ];
170 },
172 editItem (item) {
173 this.editedIndex = this.desserts.indexOf(item);
174 this.editedItem = Object.assign({}, item);
175 this.dialog1 = true;
176 },
178 deleteItem (item) {
179 const index = this.desserts.indexOf(item);
180 confirm('Are you sure you want to delete this item?') && this.desserts.splice(index, 1);
181 },
183 close () {
184 this.dialog = false;
185 setTimeout(() => {
186 this.editedItem = Object.assign({}, this.defaultItem);
187 this.editedIndex = -1;
188 }, 300);
189 },
190 close1 () {
191 this.dialog1 = false;
192 setTimeout(() => {
193 this.editedItem = Object.assign({}, this.defaultItem);
194 this.editedIndex = -1;
195 }, 300);
196 },
197 save () {
198 console.log('editedItem', this.editedItem);
199 if (this.editedIndex > -1) {
200 Object.assign(this.desserts[this.editedIndex], this.editedItem);
201 } else {
202 this.desserts.push(this.editedItem);
203 }
204 this.close();
205 },
206 save1 () {
207 console.log('editedItem', this.editedItem);
208 if (this.editedIndex > -1) {
209 Object.assign(this.desserts[this.editedIndex], this.editedItem);
210 } else {
211 this.desserts.push(this.editedItem);
212 }
213 this.close1();
214 }
215 },
216 // switchComponent (comp) {
217 // this.$emit('switchComp', comp);
218 // }
219 };
220 </script>
221 <style>
222 #td{
223 border: 1px solid #dddddd;
224 text-align: left;
225 padding: 8px;
227 }
228 </style>
File was created 1 <template>
2 <v-container grid-list-xl>
3 <v-flex>
4 <v-card>
5 <v-spacer></v-spacer>
6 <v-dialog v-model="dialog" max-width="800px">
8 <v-card>
9 <v-card-title>
10 <span class="headline">{{ formTitle }}</span>
11 <v-spacer></v-spacer>
12 <v-icon @click="close">close</v-icon>
13 </v-card-title>
14 <v-flex>
15 <v-card>
16 <v-card-text>
17 <span>
18 <p><b>Ana Suggestion:</b> Select Suggestion</p></span>
19 <h5>Select Category:</h5>
20 <span>
21 <v-btn color="grey darken-2" flat>Suggestion</v-btn>
22 <v-btn color="grey darken-2" flat>Sex</v-btn>
23 <v-btn color="grey darken-2" flat>Health</v-btn>
24 <v-btn color="grey darken-2" flat>Skin & Beauty</v-btn>
25 <v-btn color="grey darken-2" flat>Diet & Ex</v-btn>
26 </span>
27 </v-card-text>
28 </v-card>
29 </v-flex>
30 <v-card-text>
32 <v-container grid-list-md>
33 <v-layout wrap>
34 <v-flex xs12 sm6 md12>
35 <v-textarea
36 solo
37 v-model="AddQuestioncredentials.question"
38 name="input-7-4"
39 label="Type Question"
40 ></v-textarea>
41 </v-flex>
42 </v-layout>
43 </v-container>
44 </v-card-text>
46 <v-card-actions>
47 <v-spacer></v-spacer>
48 <v-btn dark large @click.native="save">Post Question</v-btn>
49 </v-card-actions>
50 </v-card>
51 </v-dialog>
55 <v-dialog v-model="dialog1" max-width="800px">
56 <v-card>
57 <v-card-title>
58 <span class="headline">Edit Question</span>
59 <v-spacer></v-spacer>
60 <v-icon @click="close1">close</v-icon>
61 </v-card-title>
63 <v-card-text>
64 <v-layout wrap>
65 <v-flex xs12 sm6 md12>
66 <v-text-field outline v-model="editedItem.ques" label="Question"></v-text-field>
67 </v-flex>
68 </v-layout>
69 <span><p> <b>Ana suggestion:</b> Abnormal Uterine Bleeding <br>
70 Diagnosis 1,Diagnosis 2,Diagnosis 3
71 <v-btn dark large @click.native="save1" style="position:absolute; top:163px; right:5px;">Save Edit</v-btn></p></span>
72 </v-card-text>
73 </v-card>
74 </v-dialog>
75 <v-data-table
76 :headers="headers"
77 :items="desserts"
78 class="elevation-1"
79 :pagination.sync="pagination"
80 >
81 <template slot="items" slot-scope="props">
82 <tr v-if="props.index === 0">
83 <td id="td">&nbsp;</td>
84 <td>
85 <span style="cursor:pointer" @click="dialog=true"> <v-icon>add</v-icon>Add New Question</span>
86 </td>
87 <td id="td">&nbsp;</td>
88 <td id="td">&nbsp;</td>
89 </tr>
90 <tr>
91 <td id="td" class="text-xs-center">{{ }}</td>
92 <td id="td">{{ props.item.ques }}</td>
93 <td id="td" class="text-xs-center">{{ props.item.res }}</td>
94 <td class="text-xs-center">
95 <span>
96 <img style="cursor:pointer; height:18px; " class="mr-5" @click="editItem(props.item)" src="/static/icon/edit1.png"/>
97 <img style="cursor:pointer; height:20px; " class="mr-5" @click="deleteItem(props.item)" src="/static/icon/delete1.png"/>
98 </span>
99 </td>
100 </tr>
101 </template>
102 </v-data-table>
103 </v-card>
104 </v-flex>
106 </v-container>
107 </template>
108 <script>
109 export default {
110 data: () => ({
111 question: '',
112 AddQuestioncredentials: {},
113 dialog: false,
114 dialog1: false,
115 isActive: true,
116 newActive: false,
117 pagination: {
118 rowsPerPage: 10,
119 },
120 headers: [
121 {
122 text: 'No.',
123 align: 'center',
124 sortable: false,
125 value: 'name'
126 },
127 { text: 'Posts', value: 'posts', sortable: false, align: 'center' },
128 { text: 'Responses', value: 'responses', sortable: false, align: 'center' },
129 { text: '', value: 'carbs', sortable: false, align: 'center' },
130 ],
131 desserts: [],
132 editedIndex: -1,
133 editedItem: {
134 question: '',
136 },
137 defaultItem: {
138 no: 0,
139 question: '',
140 res: 0,
142 }
143 }),
145 computed: {
146 formTitle () {
147 return this.editedIndex === -1 ? 'Create New Question' : 'Edit Question';
148 }
149 },
151 watch: {
152 dialog (val) {
153 val || this.close();
154 }
155 },
157 created () {
158 this.initialize();
159 },
161 methods: {
162 initialize () {
163 this.desserts = [
164 {
165 no: '1',
166 ques: 'questions skin',
167 res: 16,
168 },
169 ];
170 },
172 editItem (item) {
173 this.editedIndex = this.desserts.indexOf(item);
174 this.editedItem = Object.assign({}, item);
175 this.dialog1 = true;
176 },
178 deleteItem (item) {
179 const index = this.desserts.indexOf(item);
180 confirm('Are you sure you want to delete this item?') && this.desserts.splice(index, 1);
181 },
183 close () {
184 this.dialog = false;
185 setTimeout(() => {
186 this.editedItem = Object.assign({}, this.defaultItem);
187 this.editedIndex = -1;
188 }, 300);
189 },
190 close1 () {
191 this.dialog1 = false;
192 setTimeout(() => {
193 this.editedItem = Object.assign({}, this.defaultItem);
194 this.editedIndex = -1;
195 }, 300);
196 },
197 save () {
198 console.log('editedItem', this.editedItem);
199 if (this.editedIndex > -1) {
200 Object.assign(this.desserts[this.editedIndex], this.editedItem);
201 } else {
202 this.desserts.push(this.editedItem);
203 }
204 this.close();
205 },
206 save1 () {
207 console.log('editedItem', this.editedItem);
208 if (this.editedIndex > -1) {
209 Object.assign(this.desserts[this.editedIndex], this.editedItem);
210 } else {
211 this.desserts.push(this.editedItem);
212 }
213 this.close1();
214 }
215 },
216 // switchComponent (comp) {
217 // this.$emit('switchComp', comp);
218 // }
219 };
220 </script>
221 <style>
222 #td{
223 border: 1px solid #dddddd;
224 text-align: left;
225 padding: 8px;
227 }
228 </style>
File was created 1 <template>
2 <v-container grid-list-xl>
3 <v-flex>
4 <v-card>
5 <v-spacer></v-spacer>
6 <v-dialog v-model="dialog" max-width="800px">
8 <v-card>
9 <v-card-title>
10 <span class="headline">{{ formTitle }}</span>
11 <v-spacer></v-spacer>
12 <v-icon @click="close">close</v-icon>
13 </v-card-title>
14 <v-flex>
15 <v-card>
16 <v-card-text>
17 <span>
18 <p><b>Ana Suggestion:</b> Select Suggestion</p></span>
19 <h5>Select Category:</h5>
20 <span>
21 <v-btn color="grey darken-2" flat>Suggestion</v-btn>
22 <v-btn color="grey darken-2" flat>Sex</v-btn>
23 <v-btn color="grey darken-2" flat>Health</v-btn>
24 <v-btn color="grey darken-2" flat>Skin & Beauty</v-btn>
25 <v-btn color="grey darken-2" flat>Diet & Ex</v-btn>
26 </span>
27 </v-card-text>
28 </v-card>
29 </v-flex>
30 <v-card-text>
32 <v-container grid-list-md>
33 <v-layout wrap>
34 <v-flex xs12 sm6 md12>
35 <v-textarea
36 solo
37 v-model="AddQuestioncredentials.question"
38 name="input-7-4"
39 label="Type Question"
40 ></v-textarea>
41 </v-flex>
42 </v-layout>
43 </v-container>
44 </v-card-text>
46 <v-card-actions>
47 <v-spacer></v-spacer>
48 <v-btn dark large @click.native="save">Post Question</v-btn>
49 </v-card-actions>
50 </v-card>
51 </v-dialog>
55 <v-dialog v-model="dialog1" max-width="800px">
56 <v-card>
57 <v-card-title>
58 <span class="headline">Edit Question</span>
59 <v-spacer></v-spacer>
60 <v-icon @click="close1">close</v-icon>
61 </v-card-title>
63 <v-card-text>
64 <v-layout wrap>
65 <v-flex xs12 sm6 md12>
66 <v-text-field outline v-model="editedItem.ques" label="Question"></v-text-field>
67 </v-flex>
68 </v-layout>
69 <span><p> <b>Ana suggestion:</b> Abnormal Uterine Bleeding <br>
70 Diagnosis 1,Diagnosis 2,Diagnosis 3
71 <v-btn dark large @click.native="save1" style="position:absolute; top:163px; right:5px;">Save Edit</v-btn></p></span>
72 </v-card-text>
73 </v-card>
74 </v-dialog>
75 <v-card>
76 <v-data-table
77 :headers="headers"
78 :items="desserts"
79 class="elevation-1"
80 :pagination.sync="pagination"
81 >
82 <template slot="items" slot-scope="props">
83 <tr v-if="props.index === 0">
84 <td id="td">&nbsp;</td>
85 <td>
86 <span style="cursor:pointer" @click="dialog=true"> <v-icon>add</v-icon>Add New Question</span>
87 </td>
88 <td id="td">&nbsp;</td>
89 <td id="td">&nbsp;</td>
90 </tr>
91 <tr>
92 <td id="td" class="text-xs-center">{{ }}</td>
93 <td id="td">{{ props.item.ques }}</td>
94 <td id="td" class="text-xs-center">{{ props.item.res }}</td>
95 <td class="text-xs-center">
96 <span>
97 <img style="cursor:pointer; height:18px; " class="mr-5" @click="editItem(props.item)" src="/static/icon/edit1.png"/>
98 <img style="cursor:pointer; height:20px; " class="mr-5" @click="deleteItem(props.item)" src="/static/icon/delete1.png"/>
99 </span>
100 </td>
101 </tr>
102 </template>
103 </v-data-table></v-card>
104 </v-card>
105 </v-flex>
107 </v-container>
108 </template>
109 <script>
110 export default {
111 data: () => ({
112 question: '',
113 AddQuestioncredentials: {},
114 dialog: false,
115 dialog1: false,
116 isActive: true,
117 newActive: false,
118 pagination: {
119 rowsPerPage: 10,
120 },
121 headers: [
122 {
123 text: 'No.',
124 align: 'center',
125 sortable: false,
126 value: 'name'
127 },
128 { text: 'Posts', value: 'posts', sortable: false, align: 'center' },
129 { text: 'Responses', value: 'responses', sortable: false, align: 'center' },
130 { text: '', value: 'carbs', sortable: false, align: 'center' },
131 ],
132 desserts: [],
133 editedIndex: -1,
134 editedItem: {
135 question: '',
137 },
138 defaultItem: {
139 no: 0,
140 question: '',
141 res: 0,
143 }
144 }),
146 computed: {
147 formTitle () {
148 return this.editedIndex === -1 ? 'Create New Question' : 'Edit Question';
149 }
150 },
152 watch: {
153 dialog (val) {
154 val || this.close();
155 }
156 },
158 created () {
159 this.initialize();
160 },
162 methods: {
163 initialize () {
164 this.desserts = [
165 {
166 no: '1',
167 ques: 'questions suggestion',
168 res: 21,
169 },
170 ];
171 },
173 editItem (item) {
174 this.editedIndex = this.desserts.indexOf(item);
175 this.editedItem = Object.assign({}, item);
176 this.dialog1 = true;
177 },
179 deleteItem (item) {
180 const index = this.desserts.indexOf(item);
181 confirm('Are you sure you want to delete this item?') && this.desserts.splice(index, 1);
182 },
184 close () {
185 this.dialog = false;
186 setTimeout(() => {
187 this.editedItem = Object.assign({}, this.defaultItem);
188 this.editedIndex = -1;
189 }, 300);
190 },
191 close1 () {
192 this.dialog1 = false;
193 setTimeout(() => {
194 this.editedItem = Object.assign({}, this.defaultItem);
195 this.editedIndex = -1;
196 }, 300);
197 },
198 save () {
199 console.log('editedItem', this.editedItem);
200 if (this.editedIndex > -1) {
201 Object.assign(this.desserts[this.editedIndex], this.editedItem);
202 } else {
203 this.desserts.push(this.editedItem);
204 }
205 this.close();
206 },
207 save1 () {
208 console.log('editedItem', this.editedItem);
209 if (this.editedIndex > -1) {
210 Object.assign(this.desserts[this.editedIndex], this.editedItem);
211 } else {
212 this.desserts.push(this.editedItem);
213 }
214 this.close1();
215 }
216 },
217 // switchComponent (comp) {
218 // this.$emit('switchComp', comp);
219 // }
220 };
221 </script>
222 <style>
223 #td{
224 border: 1px solid #dddddd;
225 text-align: left;
226 padding: 8px;
228 }
229 </style>
1 <template> 1 <template>
2 <v-container grid-list-md> 2 <v-container grid-list-md>
3 <v-flex> 3 <v-flex>
4 <v-card> 4 <v-card>
5 <v-card-title> 5 <v-card-title>
6 <b><h5> Healthcare Providers </h5></b> 6 <b><h5> Healthcare Providers </h5></b>
7 <v-spacer></v-spacer> 7 <v-spacer></v-spacer>
8 <v-flex xs6 sm4> 8 <v-flex xs6 sm4>
9 <v-text-field justify-right 9 <v-text-field justify-right
10 prepend-icon="search" 10 prepend-icon="search"
11 v-model="search" 11 v-model="search"
12 label="Find Yours Users" 12 label="Find Yours Users"
13 color="black" 13 color="black"
14 ></v-text-field></v-flex> 14 ></v-text-field></v-flex>
15 </v-card-title> 15 </v-card-title>
16 16
17 <v-dialog v-model="dialog" max-width="500px"> 17 <v-dialog v-model="dialog" max-width="500px">
18 <v-toolbar color="white"> 18 <v-toolbar color="white">
19 <v-spacer></v-spacer> 19 <v-spacer></v-spacer>
20 <v-toolbar-title>Edit Profile</v-toolbar-title> 20 <v-toolbar-title>Edit Profile</v-toolbar-title>
21 <v-spacer></v-spacer> 21 <v-spacer></v-spacer>
22 </v-toolbar> 22 </v-toolbar>
23 <v-card> 23 <v-card>
24 <v-flex align-center justify-center layout text-xs-center> 24 <v-flex align-center justify-center layout text-xs-center>
25 <v-avatar size="50px" style="position:absolute; top:10px; "> 25 <v-avatar size="50px" style="position:absolute; top:10px; ">
26 <img src="/static/icon/user.png"/> </v-avatar> 26 <img src="/static/icon/user.png"/> </v-avatar>
27 </v-flex> 27 </v-flex>
28 <v-card-text> 28 <v-card-text>
29 <v-container grid-list-md> 29 <v-container grid-list-md>
30 <v-layout wrap justify-center> 30 <v-layout wrap justify-center>
31 <v-flex xs12 sm9> 31 <v-flex xs12 sm9>
32 <v-form> 32 <v-form>
33 <v-layout style="position:relative; top:15px; "> 33 <v-layout style="position:relative; top:15px; ">
34 <v-flex xs4 class="pt-4 subheading"> 34 <v-flex xs4 class="pt-4 subheading">
35 <label>First Name: </label> 35 <label>First Name: </label>
36 </v-flex> 36 </v-flex>
37 <v-flex xs8> 37 <v-flex xs8>
38 <v-text-field 38 <v-text-field
39 v-model="editedItem.Name" 39 v-model="editedItem.Name"
40 :rules="nameRules" 40 :rules="nameRules"
41 required 41 required
42 ></v-text-field> 42 ></v-text-field>
43 </v-flex> 43 </v-flex>
44 </v-layout> 44 </v-layout>
45 <v-layout> 45 <v-layout>
46 <v-flex xs4 class="pt-4 subheading"> 46 <v-flex xs4 class="pt-4 subheading">
47 <label>Last Name: </label> 47 <label>Last Name: </label>
48 </v-flex> 48 </v-flex>
49 <v-flex xs8> 49 <v-flex xs8>
50 <v-text-field 50 <v-text-field
51 v-model="editedItem.LName" 51 v-model="editedItem.LName"
52 :rules="lnameRules" 52 :rules="lnameRules"
53 required 53 required
54 ></v-text-field> 54 ></v-text-field>
55 </v-flex> 55 </v-flex>
56 </v-layout> 56 </v-layout>
58 <v-layout> 57 <v-layout>
59 <v-flex xs4 class="pt-4 subheading"> 58 <v-flex xs4 class="pt-4 subheading">
60 <label>Email ID: </label> 59 <label>Email ID: </label>
61 </v-flex> 60 </v-flex>
62 <v-flex xs8> 61 <v-flex xs8>
63 <v-text-field 62 <v-text-field
64 v-model="editedItem.Email" 63 v-model="editedItem.Email"
65 :rules="emailRules" 64 :rules="emailRules"
66 data-vv-name="E-mail" 65 data-vv-name="E-mail"
67 required 66 required
68 ></v-text-field></v-flex></v-layout> 67 ></v-text-field></v-flex></v-layout>
69 <v-layout> 68 <v-layout>
70 <v-flex xs4 class="pt-4 subheading"> 69 <v-flex xs4 class="pt-4 subheading">
71 <label>Date of Birth: </label> 70 <label>Date of Birth: </label>
72 </v-flex> 71 </v-flex>
73 <v-flex xs8> 72 <v-flex xs8>
74 <v-text-field 73 <v-text-field
75 v-model="editedItem.DOB" 74 v-model="editedItem.DOB"
76 :rules="[rules.required, rules.min]" 75 :rules="[rules.required, rules.min]"
77 ></v-text-field></v-flex></v-layout> 76 ></v-text-field></v-flex></v-layout>
78 <v-card-actions> 77 <v-card-actions>
79 <v-btn round dark @click.native="close">Cancel</v-btn> 78 <v-btn round dark @click.native="close">Cancel</v-btn>
80 <v-spacer></v-spacer> 79 <v-spacer></v-spacer>
81 <v-btn round dark @click.native="save">Save</v-btn> 80 <v-btn round dark @click.native="save">Save</v-btn>
82 81
83 </v-card-actions> 82 </v-card-actions>
84 </v-form> 83 </v-form>
85 </v-flex> 84 </v-flex>
86 </v-layout> 85 </v-layout>
87 </v-container> 86 </v-container>
88 </v-card-text> 87 </v-card-text>
89 </v-card> 88 </v-card>
90 </v-dialog> 89 </v-dialog>
91 90
92 <v-dialog v-model="dialog1" max-width="500px"> 91 <v-dialog v-model="dialog1" max-width="500px">
93 <v-toolbar color="white"> 92 <v-toolbar color="white">
94 <v-spacer></v-spacer> 93 <v-spacer></v-spacer>
95 <v-toolbar-title>Profile</v-toolbar-title> 94 <v-toolbar-title>Profile</v-toolbar-title>
96 <v-spacer></v-spacer> 95 <v-spacer></v-spacer>
97 <v-icon @click="close1">close</v-icon> 96 <v-icon @click="close1">close</v-icon>
98 </v-toolbar> 97 </v-toolbar>
99 98
100 99
101 <v-card> 100 <v-card>
102 <v-flex align-center justify-center layout text-xs-center> 101 <v-flex align-center justify-center layout text-xs-center>
103 <v-avatar size="50px" style="position:absolute; top:10px;"> 102 <v-avatar size="50px" style="position:absolute; top:10px;">
104 <img src="/static/icon/user.png"/> </v-avatar> 103 <img src="/static/icon/user.png"/> </v-avatar>
105 </v-flex> 104 </v-flex>
106 <v-card-text> 105 <v-card-text>
107 <v-container grid-list-md> 106 <v-container grid-list-md>
108 <v-layout wrap justify-center> 107 <v-layout wrap justify-center>
109 <v-flex offset-xs3> 108 <v-flex offset-xs3>
110 109
111 <br><br> 110 <br><br>
112 <table> 111 <table>
113 <th> 112 <th>
114 <tr><h5><b>First Name:</b></h5></tr><br> 113 <tr><h5><b>First Name:</b></h5></tr><br>
115 <tr><h5><b>Last Name:</b></h5></tr><br> 114 <tr><h5><b>Last Name:</b></h5></tr><br>
116 <tr><h5><b>Email:</b></h5></tr><br> 115 <tr><h5><b>Email:</b></h5></tr><br>
117 <tr><h5><b>Date Of Birth:</b></h5></tr> 116 <tr><h5><b>Date Of Birth:</b></h5></tr>
118 </th> 117 </th>
119 <th> 118 <th>
120 <tr><td><h5><b>{{ editedItem.Name }}</b></h5></td></tr><br> 119 <tr><td><h5><b>{{ editedItem.Name }}</b></h5></td></tr><br>
121 <tr> <td><h5><b>{{ editedItem.LName }}</b></h5></td></tr><br> 120 <tr> <td><h5><b>{{ editedItem.LName }}</b></h5></td></tr><br>
122 <tr><td><h5><b>{{ editedItem.Email }}</b></h5></td></tr><br> 121 <tr><td><h5><b>{{ editedItem.Email }}</b></h5></td></tr><br>
123 <tr><td><h5><b>{{ editedItem.DOB }}</b></h5></td></tr> 122 <tr><td><h5><b>{{ editedItem.DOB }}</b></h5></td></tr>
124 </th> 123 </th>
125 124
126 125
127 </table> 126 </table>
128 </v-flex> 127 </v-flex>
129 </v-layout> 128 </v-layout>
130 </v-container> 129 </v-container>
131 </v-card-text> 130 </v-card-text>
132 </v-card> 131 </v-card>
133 </v-dialog> 132 </v-dialog>
134 <v-data-table 133 <v-data-table
135 :headers="headers" 134 :headers="headers"
136 :items="desserts" 135 :items="desserts"
137 :search="search" 136 :search="search"
138 class="elevation-1" 137 class="elevation-1"
139 :pagination.sync="pagination" 138 :pagination.sync="pagination"
140 > 139 >
141 140
142 <template slot="items" slot-scope="props"> 141 <template slot="items" slot-scope="props">
143 <td id="td" class="text-xs-center">{{ props.item.No }}</td> 142 <td id="td" class="text-xs-center">{{ props.item.No }}</td>
144 <td id="td" class="text-xs-center">{{ props.item.Name+' '+props.item.LName }}</td> 143 <td id="td" class="text-xs-center">{{ props.item.Name+' '+props.item.LName }}</td>
145 <td id="td" class="text-xs-center">{{ props.item.Email }}</td> 144 <td id="td" class="text-xs-center">{{ props.item.Email }}</td>
146 <td id="td" class="text-xs-center"> 145 <td id="td" class="text-xs-center">
147 <v-flex xs6 sm6> 146 <v-flex xs6 sm6>
148 <v-select 147 <v-select
149 :items="status" 148 :items="status"
150 v-model="props.item.e1" 149 v-model="props.item.e1"
151 menu-props="auto" 150 menu-props="auto"
152 label="Select" 151 label="Select"
153 hide-details 152 hide-details
154 single-line 153 single-line
155 ></v-select> 154 ></v-select>
156 </v-flex> 155 </v-flex>
157 </td> 156 </td>
158 <td class="text-xs-center"> 157 <td class="text-xs-center">
159 <span> 158 <span>
160 <img style="cursor:pointer; width:25px; height:18px; " class="mr-5" @click="profile(props.item)" src="/static/icon/eye1.png"/> 159 <img style="cursor:pointer; width:25px; height:18px; " class="mr-5" @click="profile(props.item)" src="/static/icon/eye1.png"/>
161 <img style="cursor:pointer; width:20px; height:18px; " class="mr-5" @click="editItem(props.item)" src="/static/icon/edit1.png"/> 160 <img style="cursor:pointer; width:20px; height:18px; " class="mr-5" @click="editItem(props.item)" src="/static/icon/edit1.png"/>
162 <img style="cursor:pointer; height:20px; " class="mr-2" @click="deleteItem(props.item)" src="/static/icon/delete1.png"/> 161 <img style="cursor:pointer; height:20px; " class="mr-2" @click="deleteItem(props.item)" src="/static/icon/delete1.png"/>
163 </span> 162 </span>
164 </td> 163 </td>
165 164
166 </template> 165 </template>
167 </v-data-table> 166 </v-data-table>
168 167
169 </v-card> 168 </v-card>
170 </v-flex> 169 </v-flex>
171 </v-container> 170 </v-container>
172 </template> 171 </template>
173 <script> 172 <script>
174 export default { 173 export default {
175 data: () => ({ 174 data: () => ({
176 Name: '', 175 Name: '',
177 LName: '', 176 LName: '',
178 DOB: '', 177 DOB: '',
179 email: '', 178 email: '',
180 dialog: false, 179 dialog: false,
181 dialog1: false, 180 dialog1: false,
182 status: ['Pending', 'Approved', 'Declined'], 181 status: ['Pending', 'Approved', 'Declined'],
183 search: '', 182 search: '',
184 e1: '', 183 e1: '',
185 rules: { 184 rules: {
186 required: value => !!value || 'This field is Required.', 185 required: value => !!value || 'This field is Required.',
187 min: v => (/^(0?[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01])[\/\-](0?[1-9]|1[012])[\/\-]\d{4}$/).test(v) && v.length > 0 || 'Please enter a date in the format dd/mm/yyyy' 186 min: v => (/^(0?[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01])[\/\-](0?[1-9]|1[012])[\/\-]\d{4}$/).test(v) && v.length > 0 || 'Please enter a date in the format dd/mm/yyyy'
188 }, 187 },
189 nameRules: [v => !!v || ' First Name is required'], 188 nameRules: [v => !!v || ' First Name is required'],
190 lnameRules: [v => !!v || ' First Name is required'], 189 lnameRules: [v => !!v || ' First Name is required'],
191 emailRules: [ 190 emailRules: [
192 v => !!v || 'E-mail is required', 191 v => !!v || 'E-mail is required',
193 v => /.+@.+/.test(v) || 'E-mail must be valid' 192 v => /.+@.+/.test(v) || 'E-mail must be valid'
194 ], 193 ],
195 pagination: { 194 pagination: {
196 rowsPerPage: 10, 195 rowsPerPage: 10,
197 196
198 }, 197 },
199 headers: [ 198 headers: [
200 { 199 {
201 text: 'No', 200 text: 'No',
202 align: 'center', 201 align: 'center',
203 sortable: false, 202 sortable: false,
204 value: 'no' 203 value: 'no'
205 }, 204 },
206 { text: 'Name', value: 'Name', sortable: false, align: 'center' }, 205 { text: 'Name', value: 'Name', sortable: false, align: 'center' },
207 { text: 'Email', value: 'Email', sortable: false, align: 'center' }, 206 { text: 'Email', value: 'Email', sortable: false, align: 'center' },
208 { text: 'Status', value: 'Status', sortable: false, align: 'center' }, 207 { text: 'Status', value: 'Status', sortable: false, align: 'center' },
209 { text: '', value: '', sortable: false }, 208 { text: '', value: '', sortable: false },
210 209
211 ], 210 ],
212 desserts: [], 211 desserts: [],
213 editedIndex: -1, 212 editedIndex: -1,
214 editedItem: { 213 editedItem: {
215 No: '', 214 No: '',
216 Name: '', 215 Name: '',
217 LName: '', 216 LName: '',
218 Email: '', 217 Email: '',
219 }, 218 },
220 defaultItem: { 219 defaultItem: {
221 No: '', 220 No: '',
222 Name: '', 221 Name: '',
223 LName: '', 222 LName: '',
224 Email: '', 223 Email: '',
225 }, 224 },
226 }), 225 }),
227 watch: { 226 watch: {
228 dialog (val) { 227 dialog (val) {
229 val || this.close(); 228 val || this.close();
230 } 229 }
231 }, 230 },
232 231
233 created () { 232 created () {
234 this.initialize(); 233 this.initialize();
235 }, 234 },
236 methods: { 235 methods: {
237 initialize () { 236 initialize () {
238 this.desserts = [ 237 this.desserts = [
239 { 238 {
240 No: 1, 239 No: 1,
241 Name: 'Amit', 240 Name: 'Amit',
242 LName: 'goyal', 241 LName: 'goyal',
243 Email: '', 242 Email: '',
244 DOB: '22/09/1996' 243 DOB: '22/09/1996'
245 }, 244 },
246 { 245 {
247 No: 2, 246 No: 2,
248 Name: 'Sumit', 247 Name: 'Sumit',
249 LName: 'kumar', 248 LName: 'kumar',
250 Email: '', 249 Email: '',
251 DOB: '16/09/1997' 250 DOB: '16/09/1997'
252 } 251 }
253 252
254 ]; 253 ];
255 }, 254 },
256 255
257 editItem (item) { 256 editItem (item) {
258 this.editedIndex = this.desserts.indexOf(item); 257 this.editedIndex = this.desserts.indexOf(item);
259 this.editedItem = Object.assign({}, item); 258 this.editedItem = Object.assign({}, item);
260 this.dialog = true; 259 this.dialog = true;
261 }, 260 },
262 profile (item) { 261 profile (item) {
263 this.editedIndex = this.desserts.indexOf(item); 262 this.editedIndex = this.desserts.indexOf(item);
264 this.editedItem = Object.assign({}, item); 263 this.editedItem = Object.assign({}, item);
265 this.dialog1 = true; 264 this.dialog1 = true;
266 }, 265 },
267 266
268 deleteItem (item) { 267 deleteItem (item) {
269 const index = this.desserts.indexOf(item); 268 const index = this.desserts.indexOf(item);
270 confirm('Are you sure you want to delete this item?') && 269 confirm('Are you sure you want to delete this item?') &&
271 this.desserts.splice(index, 1); 270 this.desserts.splice(index, 1);
272 }, 271 },
273 272
274 close () { 273 close () {
275 this.dialog = false; 274 this.dialog = false;
276 setTimeout(() => { 275 setTimeout(() => {
277 this.editedItem = Object.assign({}, this.defaultItem); 276 this.editedItem = Object.assign({}, this.defaultItem);
278 this.editedIndex = -1; 277 this.editedIndex = -1;
279 }, 300); 278 }, 300);
280 }, 279 },
281 close1 () { 280 close1 () {
282 this.dialog1 = false; 281 this.dialog1 = false;
283 }, 282 },
284 283
285 save () { 284 save () {
286 console.log('editedItem', this.editedItem); 285 console.log('editedItem', this.editedItem);
287 if (this.editedIndex > -1) { 286 if (this.editedIndex > -1) {
288 Object.assign(this.desserts[this.editedIndex], this.editedItem); 287 Object.assign(this.desserts[this.editedIndex], this.editedItem);
289 } else { 288 } else {
290 this.desserts.push(this.editedItem); 289 this.desserts.push(this.editedItem);
291 } 290 }
292 this.close(); 291 this.close();
293 } 292 }
294 }, 293 },
295 }; 294 };
296 </script> 295 </script>
297 <style scoped> 296 <style scoped>
298 .v-card__actions .v-btn { 297 .v-card__actions .v-btn {
299 margin: 0px; 298 margin: 0px;
300 min-width: 120px; 299 min-width: 120px;
301 } 300 }
302 #td { 301 #td {
303 border: 1px solid #dddddd; 302 border: 1px solid #dddddd;
304 text-align: left; 303 text-align: left;
305 padding: 8px; 304 padding: 8px;
306 } 305 }
307 306
308 </style> 307 </style>
1 <template> 1 <template>
2 <v-container grid-list-xl> 2 <v-container grid-list-xl>
3 <v-flex> 3 <v-flex>
4 <v-card> 4 <v-card>
5 <v-toolbar flat color="white"> 5 <v-toolbar flat color="white">
6 <v-card-title> 6 <v-card-title>
7 <h3 style="position:relative; left:px; top:-5px;"><b>Forum Questions</b></h3> 7 <h3 style="position:relative; left:px; top:-5px;"><b>Forum Questions</b></h3>
8 <h5 style="position:relative; left:40px; top:-15px;">Select Category</h5> 8 <h5 style="position:relative; left:40px; top:-15px;">Select Category</h5>
9 <span style="position:relative; left:-95px; top:10px;"> 9 <span style="position:relative; left:-95px; top:10px;">
10 <v-btn color="grey darken-2" flat>Suggestion</v-btn>
11 <v-btn color="grey darken-2" flat>Sex</v-btn>
12 <v-btn color="grey darken-2" flat>Health</v-btn>
13 <v-btn color="grey darken-2" flat>Skin & Beauty</v-btn>
14 <v-btn color="grey darken-2" flat>Diet & Ex</v-btn>
15 </span>
17 </v-card-title>
19 <v-spacer></v-spacer>
20 <v-dialog v-model="dialog" max-width="800px">
22 <v-card>
23 <v-card-title>
24 <span class="headline">{{ formTitle }}</span>
25 <v-spacer></v-spacer>
26 <v-icon @click="close">close</v-icon>
27 </v-card-title>
28 <v-flex>
29 <v-card>
30 <v-card-text>
31 <span>
32 <p><b>Ana Suggestion:</b> Select Suggestion</p></span>
33 <h5>Select Category:</h5>
34 <span>
35 <v-btn color="grey darken-2" flat>Suggestion</v-btn>
36 <v-btn color="grey darken-2" flat>Sex</v-btn>
37 <v-btn color="grey darken-2" flat>Health</v-btn>
38 <v-btn color="grey darken-2" flat>Skin & Beauty</v-btn>
39 <v-btn color="grey darken-2" flat>Diet & Ex</v-btn>
40 </span>
41 </v-card-text>
42 </v-card>
43 </v-flex>
44 <v-card-text>
46 <v-container grid-list-md>
47 <v-layout wrap>
48 <v-flex xs12 sm6 md12>
49 <v-textarea
50 solo
51 v-model="AddQuestioncredentials.question"
52 name="input-7-4"
53 label="Type Question"
54 ></v-textarea>
55 </v-flex>
56 </v-layout>
57 </v-container>
58 </v-card-text>
59 10
60 <v-card-actions> 11 <v-btn color="grey darken-2" v-on:click="component='suggestion' , activebtn('existing')" v-bind:class="{ activebtn: isActivebtn }" flat>Suggestion</v-btn>
61 <v-spacer></v-spacer> 12
62 <v-btn dark large @click.native="save">Post Question</v-btn> 13 <v-btn color="grey darken-2" v-on:click="component='sex' , activebtn('new')" v-bind:class="{ activebtn: Activebtn1 }" flat>Sex</v-btn>
63 </v-card-actions>
64 </v-card>
65 </v-dialog>
66 14
67 15 <v-btn color="grey darken-2" v-on:click="component='health' , activebtn('new1')" v-bind:class="{ activebtn: Activebtn2 }" flat>Health</v-btn>
69 <v-dialog v-model="dialog1" max-width="800px">
70 <v-card>
71 <v-card-title>
72 <span class="headline">Edit Question</span>
73 <v-spacer></v-spacer>
74 <v-icon @click="close1">close</v-icon>
75 </v-card-title>
76 16
77 <v-card-text> 17 <v-btn color="grey darken-2" v-on:click="component='skin' , activebtn('new2')" v-bind:class="{ activebtn: Activebtn3 }" flat>Skin & Beauty</v-btn>
78 <v-layout wrap> 18
79 <v-flex xs12 sm6 md12> 19 <v-btn color="grey darken-2" v-on:click="component='diet' , activebtn('new3')" v-bind:class="{ activebtn: Activebtn4 }" flat>Diet & Ex</v-btn>
80 <v-text-field outline v-model="editedItem.ques" label="Question"></v-text-field> 20
81 </v-flex> 21 </span>
82 </v-layout> 22 </v-card-title>
83 <span><p> <b>Ana suggestion:</b> Abnormal Uterine Bleeding <br> 23
84 Diagnosis 1,Diagnosis 2,Diagnosis 3
85 <v-btn dark large @click.native="save1" style="position:absolute; top:163px; right:5px;">Save Edit</v-btn></p></span>
86 </v-card-text>
87 </v-card>
88 </v-dialog>
89 </v-toolbar> 24 </v-toolbar>
90 <v-data-table 25 <component v-bind:is="component"></component>
91 :headers="headers" 26 </v-card></v-flex>
92 :items="desserts"
93 class="elevation-1"
94 :pagination.sync="pagination"
95 >
96 <template slot="items" slot-scope="props">
97 <tr v-if="props.index === 0">
98 <td id="td">&nbsp;</td>
99 <td>
100 <span style="cursor:pointer" @click="dialog=true"> <v-icon>add</v-icon>Add New Question</span>
101 </td>
102 <td id="td">&nbsp;</td>
103 <td id="td">&nbsp;</td>
104 </tr>
105 <tr>
106 <td id="td" class="text-xs-center">{{ }}</td>
107 <td id="td">{{ props.item.ques }}</td>
108 <td id="td" class="text-xs-center">{{ props.item.res }}</td>
109 <td class="text-xs-center">
110 <span>
111 <img style="cursor:pointer; height:18px; " class="mr-5" @click="editItem(props.item)" src="/static/icon/edit1.png"/>
112 <img style="cursor:pointer; height:20px; " class="mr-5" @click="deleteItem(props.item)" src="/static/icon/delete1.png"/>
113 </span>
114 </td>
115 </tr>
116 </template>
117 </v-data-table>
118 </v-card>
119 </v-flex>
120 27
121 </v-container> 28 </v-container>
122 </template> 29 </template>
123 <script> 30 <script>
31 import suggestion from '@/components/questions/suggestion.vue';
32 import sex from '@/components/questions/sex.vue';
33 import health from '@/components/questions/health.vue';
34 import skin from '@/components/questions/skin.vue';
35 import diet from '@/components/questions/diet.vue';
124 export default { 36 export default {
37 components: {
38 'suggestion': suggestion,
39 'sex': sex,
40 'health': health,
41 'skin': skin,
42 'diet': diet,
43 },
125 data: () => ({ 44 data: () => ({
126 question: '', 45 component: 'suggestion',
127 AddQuestioncredentials: {}, 46 isActivebtn: true,
128 dialog: false, 47 Activebtn1: false,
129 dialog1: false, 48 Activebtn2: false,
130 isActive: true, 49 Activebtn3: false,
131 newActive: false, 50 Activebtn4: false,
132 pagination: {
133 rowsPerPage: 10,
134 },
135 headers: [
136 {
137 text: 'No.',
138 align: 'center',
139 sortable: false,
140 value: 'name'
141 },
142 { text: 'Posts', value: 'posts', sortable: false, align: 'center' },
143 { text: 'Responses', value: 'responses', sortable: false, align: 'center' },
144 { text: '', value: 'carbs', sortable: false, align: 'center' },
145 ],
146 desserts: [],
147 editedIndex: -1,
148 editedItem: {
149 question: '',
151 },
152 defaultItem: {
153 no: 0,
154 question: '',
155 res: 0,
157 }
158 }), 51 }),
160 computed: {
161 formTitle () {
162 return this.editedIndex === -1 ? 'Create New Question' : 'Edit Question';
163 }
164 },
166 watch: {
167 dialog (val) {
168 val || this.close();
169 }
170 },
172 created () {
173 this.initialize();
174 },
176 methods: { 52 methods: {
177 initialize () { 53 activebtn (type) {
178 this.desserts = [ 54 switch (type) {
179 { 55 case 'existing':
180 no: '1', 56 this.Activebtn4 = false;
181 ques: 'questions', 57 this.Activebtn3 = false;
182 res: 9.0, 58 this.Activebtn2 = false;
183 }, 59 this.Activebtn1 = false;
184 ]; 60 this.isActivebtn = true;
185 }, 61 break;
186 62 case 'new':
187 editItem (item) { 63 this.Activebtn4 = false;
188 this.editedIndex = this.desserts.indexOf(item); 64 this.Activebtn3 = false;
189 this.editedItem = Object.assign({}, item); 65 this.Activebtn2 = false;
190 this.dialog1 = true; 66 this.Activebtn1 = true;
191 }, 67 this.isActivebtn = false;
192 68 break;
193 deleteItem (item) { 69 case 'new1':
194 const index = this.desserts.indexOf(item); 70 this.Activebtn4 = false;
195 confirm('Are you sure you want to delete this item?') && this.desserts.splice(index, 1); 71 this.Activebtn3 = false;
196 }, 72 this.Activebtn2 = true;
197 73 this.Activebtn1 = false;
198 close () { 74 this.isActivebtn = false;
199 this.dialog = false; 75 break;
200 setTimeout(() => { 76 case 'new2':
201 this.editedItem = Object.assign({}, this.defaultItem); 77 this.Activebtn4 = false;
202 this.editedIndex = -1; 78 this.Activebtn3 = true;
203 }, 300); 79 this.Activebtn2 = false;
204 }, 80 this.Activebtn1 = false;
205 close1 () { 81 this.isActivebtn = false;
206 this.dialog1 = false; 82 break;
207 setTimeout(() => { 83 default:
208 this.editedItem = Object.assign({}, this.defaultItem); 84 this.Activebtn4 = true;
209 this.editedIndex = -1; 85 this.Activebtn3 = false;
210 }, 300); 86 this.Activebtn2 = false;
211 }, 87 this.Activebtn1 = false;
212 save () { 88 this.isActivebtn = false;
213 console.log('editedItem', this.editedItem); 89 break;
214 if (this.editedIndex > -1) {
215 Object.assign(this.desserts[this.editedIndex], this.editedItem);
216 } else {
217 this.desserts.push(this.editedItem);
218 } 90 }
219 this.close();
220 }, 91 },
221 save1 () { 92 }
222 console.log('editedItem', this.editedItem);
223 if (this.editedIndex > -1) {
224 Object.assign(this.desserts[this.editedIndex], this.editedItem);
225 } else {
226 this.desserts.push(this.editedItem);
227 }
228 this.close1();
229 }
230 },
231 // switchComponent (comp) {
232 // this.$emit('switchComp', comp);