Commit b04daad6c840e1dadf80cc6331b46fab20b230d9

Authored by Digvijay Singh
1 parent c65b519960
Exists in master

.env file added

1 'use strict' 1 'use strict'
2 const merge = require('webpack-merge') 2 const merge = require('webpack-merge')
3 const prodEnv = require('./prod.env') 3 const prodEnv = require('./prod.env')
4 4
5 module.exports = merge(prodEnv, { 5 module.exports = merge(prodEnv, {
6 NODE_ENV: '"development"', 6 NODE_ENV: '"development"',
7 // APIurl: '""', 7 // APIurl: '""',
8 // APIurl: '""', 8 // APIurl: '""',
9 APIurl: '""', 9 APIurl: '""',
10 siteUrl: '"http://localhost:8080"', 10 siteUrl: '""',
11 imageUrl: '""', 11 imageUrl: '""',
12 fileUploadKey: '"AYqgvDoo4RyBC0STV6og2z"', 12 fileUploadKey: '"AYqgvDoo4RyBC0STV6og2z"',
13 landbotUrl: '""', 13 landbotUrl: '""',
14 courseId1: '"5e4b77e8f77376502a616cd2"', 14 courseId1: '"5e4b77e8f77376502a616cd2"',
15 courseId2: '"5e4b77f5f77376502a616cd9"', 15 courseId2: '"5e4b77f5f77376502a616cd9"',
16 courseId3: '"5e4b76155d6509dfec06e109"' 16 courseId3: '"5e4b76155d6509dfec06e109"'
17 }) 17 })
1 'use strict' 1 'use strict'
2 // Template version: 1.3.1 2 // Template version: 1.3.1
3 // see for documentation. 3 // see for documentation.
4 4
5 const path = require('path') 5 const path = require('path')
6 6
7 module.exports = { 7 module.exports = {
8 dev: { 8 dev: {
9 9
10 // Paths 10 // Paths
11 assetsSubDirectory: 'static', 11 assetsSubDirectory: 'static',
12 assetsPublicPath: '/', 12 assetsPublicPath: '/',
13 proxyTable: {}, 13 proxyTable: {},
14 14
15 // Various Dev Server settings 15 // Various Dev Server settings
16 host: 'localhost', // can be overwritten by process.env.HOST 16 host: '', // can be overwritten by process.env.HOST
17 port: 8080, // can be overwritten by process.env.PORT, if port is in use, a free one will be determined 17 port: 8080, // can be overwritten by process.env.PORT, if port is in use, a free one will be determined
18 autoOpenBrowser: false, 18 autoOpenBrowser: false,
19 errorOverlay: true, 19 errorOverlay: true,
20 notifyOnErrors: true, 20 notifyOnErrors: true,
21 poll: false, // 21 poll: false, //
22 22
23 // Use Eslint Loader? 23 // Use Eslint Loader?
24 // If true, your code will be linted during bundling and 24 // If true, your code will be linted during bundling and
25 // linting errors and warnings will be shown in the console. 25 // linting errors and warnings will be shown in the console.
26 useEslint: false, 26 useEslint: false,
27 // If true, eslint errors and warnings will also be shown in the error overlay 27 // If true, eslint errors and warnings will also be shown in the error overlay
28 // in the browser. 28 // in the browser.
29 showEslintErrorsInOverlay: false, 29 showEslintErrorsInOverlay: false,
30 30
31 /** 31 /**
32 * Source Maps 32 * Source Maps
33 */ 33 */
34 34
35 // 35 //
36 devtool: 'cheap-module-eval-source-map', 36 devtool: 'cheap-module-eval-source-map',
37 37
38 // If you have problems debugging vue-files in devtools, 38 // If you have problems debugging vue-files in devtools,
39 // set this to false - it *may* help 39 // set this to false - it *may* help
40 // 40 //
41 cacheBusting: true, 41 cacheBusting: true,
42 42
43 cssSourceMap: true 43 cssSourceMap: true
44 }, 44 },
45 45
46 build: { 46 build: {
47 // Template for index.html 47 // Template for index.html
48 index: path.resolve(__dirname, '../dist/index.html'), 48 index: path.resolve(__dirname, '../dist/index.html'),
49 49
50 // Paths 50 // Paths
51 assetsRoot: path.resolve(__dirname, '../dist'), 51 assetsRoot: path.resolve(__dirname, '../dist'),
52 assetsSubDirectory: 'static', 52 assetsSubDirectory: 'static',
53 assetsPublicPath: '/', 53 assetsPublicPath: '/',
54 54
55 /** 55 /**
56 * Source Maps 56 * Source Maps
57 */ 57 */
58 58
59 productionSourceMap: true, 59 productionSourceMap: true,
60 // 60 //
61 devtool: '#source-map', 61 devtool: '#source-map',
62 62
63 // Gzip off by default as many popular static hosts such as 63 // Gzip off by default as many popular static hosts such as
64 // Surge or Netlify already gzip all static assets for you. 64 // Surge or Netlify already gzip all static assets for you.
65 // Before setting to `true`, make sure to: 65 // Before setting to `true`, make sure to:
66 // npm install --save-dev compression-webpack-plugin 66 // npm install --save-dev compression-webpack-plugin
67 productionGzip: false, 67 productionGzip: false,
68 productionGzipExtensions: ['js', 'css'], 68 productionGzipExtensions: ['js', 'css'],
69 69
70 // Run the build command with an extra argument to 70 // Run the build command with an extra argument to
71 // View the bundle analyzer report after build finishes: 71 // View the bundle analyzer report after build finishes:
72 // `npm run build --report` 72 // `npm run build --report`
73 // Set to `true` or `false` to always turn it on or off 73 // Set to `true` or `false` to always turn it on or off
74 bundleAnalyzerReport: process.env.npm_config_report 74 bundleAnalyzerReport: process.env.npm_config_report
75 } 75 }
76 } 76 }
77 77
1 import Vue from 'vue' 1 import Vue from 'vue'
2 import Router from 'vue-router' 2 import Router from 'vue-router'
3 import { authGuard } from "../auth/authGuard" 3 import { authGuard } from "../auth/authGuard"
4 import LandingPage from '@/components/LandingPage' 4 import LandingPage from '@/components/LandingPage'
5 import SignUp from '@/components/SignUp' 5 import SignUp from '@/components/SignUp'
6 import Reset from '@/components/Reset' 6 import Reset from '@/components/Reset'
7 import Profile from '@/components/Profile' 7 import Profile from '@/components/Profile'
8 import welcome from '@/components/welcome' 8 import welcome from '@/components/welcome'
9 import Intermediate from '@/components/Intermediate' 9 import Intermediate from '@/components/Intermediate'
10 import Insight from '@/components/Insight' 10 import Insight from '@/components/Insight'
11 import ProductInsight from '@/components/ProductInsight' 11 import ProductInsight from '@/components/ProductInsight'
12 import EpisodeIntro from '@/components/EpisodeIntro' 12 import EpisodeIntro from '@/components/EpisodeIntro'
13 import AuthorIntro from '@/components/AuthorIntro' 13 import AuthorIntro from '@/components/AuthorIntro'
14 import AuthorReadingNow from '@/components/AuthorReadingNow' 14 import AuthorReadingNow from '@/components/AuthorReadingNow'
15 import SingleAuthor from '@/components/SingleAuthor' 15 import SingleAuthor from '@/components/SingleAuthor'
16 import Outro from '@/components/Outro' 16 import Outro from '@/components/outro'
17 import SingleMobileInsight from '@/components/SingleMobileInsight' 17 import SingleMobileInsight from '@/components/SingleMobileInsight'
18 import TwoScreenWithoutInsight from '@/components/TwoScreenWithoutInsight' 18 import TwoScreenWithoutInsight from '@/components/TwoScreenWithoutInsight'
19 import SingleMobileScreenInsightOne from '@/components/SingleMobileScreenInsightOne' 19 import SingleMobileScreenInsightOne from '@/components/SingleMobileScreenInsightOne'
20 import SingleWebScreenInsightOne from '@/components/SingleWebScreenInsightOne' 20 import SingleWebScreenInsightOne from '@/components/SingleWebScreenInsightOne'
21 import SingleMobileScreenInsightTwo from '@/components/SingleMobileScreenInsightTwo' 21 import SingleMobileScreenInsightTwo from '@/components/SingleMobileScreenInsightTwo'
22 import SingleScreengrabOneInsight from '@/components/SingleScreengrabOneInsight' 22 import SingleScreengrabOneInsight from '@/components/SingleScreengrabOneInsight'
23 import TwoScreenWithInsight from '@/components/TwoScreenWithInsight' 23 import TwoScreenWithInsight from '@/components/TwoScreenWithInsight'
24 import TwoScreengrabWithComments from '@/components/TwoScreengrabWithComments' 24 import TwoScreengrabWithComments from '@/components/TwoScreengrabWithComments'
25 import TwoWebScreenWithInsight from '@/components/TwoWebScreenWithInsight' 25 import TwoWebScreenWithInsight from '@/components/TwoWebScreenWithInsight'
26 import NoScreenshotSingleAuthor from '@/components/NoScreenshotSingleAuthor' 26 import NoScreenshotSingleAuthor from '@/components/NoScreenshotSingleAuthor'
27 import TwoAuthor from '@/components/TwoAuthor' 27 import TwoAuthor from '@/components/TwoAuthor'
28 import TwoAuthorDesktop from '@/components/TwoAuthorDesktop' 28 import TwoAuthorDesktop from '@/components/TwoAuthorDesktop'
29 import TwoAuthorReadingNow from '@/components/TwoAuthorReadingNow' 29 import TwoAuthorReadingNow from '@/components/TwoAuthorReadingNow'
30 import SingleMobileScreenChatComments from '@/components/SingleMobileScreenChatComments' 30 import SingleMobileScreenChatComments from '@/components/SingleMobileScreenChatComments'
31 import TwoScreensWithTwoAuthor from '@/components/TwoScreensWithTwoAuthor' 31 import TwoScreensWithTwoAuthor from '@/components/TwoScreensWithTwoAuthor'
32 import NoScreenshotTwoAuthor from '@/components/NoScreenshotTwoAuthor' 32 import NoScreenshotTwoAuthor from '@/components/NoScreenshotTwoAuthor'
33 import ToAddYourComment from '@/components/ToAddYourComment' 33 import ToAddYourComment from '@/components/ToAddYourComment'
34 import ReadingFlowBounceBoard from '@/components/ReadingFlowBounceBoard' 34 import ReadingFlowBounceBoard from '@/components/ReadingFlowBounceBoard'
35 import ReadingFlowBounceBoard_chat from '@/components/ReadingFlowBounceBoard_chat' 35 import ReadingFlowBounceBoard_chat from '@/components/ReadingFlowBounceBoard_chat'
36 import Otp from '@/components/Otp' 36 import Otp from '@/components/Otp'
37 import ChangePassword from '@/components/ChangePassword' 37 import ChangePassword from '@/components/ChangePassword'
38 38
39 import router from '../router' 39 import router from '../router'
40 Vue.use(Router) 40 Vue.use(Router)
41 41
42 export default new Router({ 42 export default new Router({
43 mode: 'history', 43 mode: 'history',
44 routes: [{ 44 routes: [{
45 path: '/', 45 path: '/',
46 name: 'LandingPage', 46 name: 'LandingPage',
47 component: LandingPage, 47 component: LandingPage,
48 // beforeEnter: function(to, from, next) { 48 // beforeEnter: function(to, from, next) {
49 // var userdata = localStorage.getItem('spotlight_usertoken') 49 // var userdata = localStorage.getItem('spotlight_usertoken')
50 // if (userdata) { 50 // if (userdata) {
51 // router.push({ name: 'Welcome' }) 51 // router.push({ name: 'Welcome' })
52 // } 52 // }
53 // next() 53 // next()
54 // } 54 // }
55 }, 55 },
56 { 56 {
57 path: '/signup', 57 path: '/signup',
58 name: 'SignUp', 58 name: 'SignUp',
59 component: SignUp, 59 component: SignUp,
60 }, 60 },
61 { 61 {
62 path: '/intermediate', 62 path: '/intermediate',
63 name: 'Intermediate', 63 name: 'Intermediate',
64 component: Intermediate 64 component: Intermediate
65 }, 65 },
66 { 66 {
67 path: '/reset', 67 path: '/reset',
68 name: 'Reset', 68 name: 'Reset',
69 component: Reset, 69 component: Reset,
70 }, 70 },
71 { 71 {
72 path: '/profile', 72 path: '/profile',
73 name: 'Profile', 73 name: 'Profile',
74 component: Profile, 74 component: Profile,
75 }, 75 },
76 { 76 {
77 path: '/insight', 77 path: '/insight',
78 name: 'Insight', 78 name: 'Insight',
79 component: Insight, 79 component: Insight,
80 }, 80 },
81 { 81 {
82 path: '/product-insight', 82 path: '/product-insight',
83 name: 'ProductInsight', 83 name: 'ProductInsight',
84 component: ProductInsight, 84 component: ProductInsight,
85 }, 85 },
86 { 86 {
87 path: '/episode-intro/:caseStudyId/:slideId', 87 path: '/episode-intro/:caseStudyId/:slideId',
88 name: 'EpisodeIntro', 88 name: 'EpisodeIntro',
89 component: EpisodeIntro, 89 component: EpisodeIntro,
90 }, 90 },
91 , 91 ,
92 { 92 {
93 path: '/author-intro/:caseStudyId/:slideId', 93 path: '/author-intro/:caseStudyId/:slideId',
94 name: 'AuthorIntro', 94 name: 'AuthorIntro',
95 component: AuthorIntro, 95 component: AuthorIntro,
96 }, 96 },
97 { 97 {
98 path: '/author-reading-now', 98 path: '/author-reading-now',
99 name: 'AuthorReadingNow', 99 name: 'AuthorReadingNow',
100 component: AuthorReadingNow, 100 component: AuthorReadingNow,
101 }, 101 },
102 { 102 {
103 path: '/single-author', 103 path: '/single-author',
104 name: 'SingleAuthor', 104 name: 'SingleAuthor',
105 component: SingleAuthor, 105 component: SingleAuthor,
106 }, 106 },
107 { 107 {
108 path: '/outro/:caseStudyId/:slideId', 108 path: '/outro/:caseStudyId/:slideId',
109 name: 'Outro', 109 name: 'Outro',
110 component: Outro, 110 component: Outro,
111 }, 111 },
112 { 112 {
113 path: '/single-mobile-insight', 113 path: '/single-mobile-insight',
114 name: 'SingleMobileInsight', 114 name: 'SingleMobileInsight',
115 component: SingleMobileInsight, 115 component: SingleMobileInsight,
116 }, 116 },
117 { 117 {
118 path: '/two-screen-without-insight', 118 path: '/two-screen-without-insight',
119 name: 'TwoScreenWithoutInsight', 119 name: 'TwoScreenWithoutInsight',
120 component: TwoScreenWithoutInsight, 120 component: TwoScreenWithoutInsight,
121 }, 121 },
122 { 122 {
123 path: '/single-m-screen-insight-one/:caseStudyId/:slideId', 123 path: '/single-m-screen-insight-one/:caseStudyId/:slideId',
124 name: 'SingleMobileScreenInsightOne', 124 name: 'SingleMobileScreenInsightOne',
125 component: SingleMobileScreenInsightOne, 125 component: SingleMobileScreenInsightOne,
126 }, 126 },
127 { 127 {
128 path: '/single-m-screen-insight-two/:caseStudyId/:slideId', 128 path: '/single-m-screen-insight-two/:caseStudyId/:slideId',
129 name: 'SingleMobileScreenInsightTwo', 129 name: 'SingleMobileScreenInsightTwo',
130 component: SingleMobileScreenInsightTwo, 130 component: SingleMobileScreenInsightTwo,
131 }, 131 },
132 { 132 {
133 path: '/single-web-screen-insight-one', 133 path: '/single-web-screen-insight-one',
134 name: 'SingleWebScreenInsightOne', 134 name: 'SingleWebScreenInsightOne',
135 component: SingleWebScreenInsightOne, 135 component: SingleWebScreenInsightOne,
136 }, 136 },
137 { 137 {
138 path: '/single-screengrab-one-insight', 138 path: '/single-screengrab-one-insight',
139 name: 'SingleScreengrabOneInsight', 139 name: 'SingleScreengrabOneInsight',
140 component: SingleScreengrabOneInsight, 140 component: SingleScreengrabOneInsight,
141 }, 141 },
142 { 142 {
143 path: '/two-screen-with-insight', 143 path: '/two-screen-with-insight',
144 name: 'TwoScreenWithInsight', 144 name: 'TwoScreenWithInsight',
145 component: TwoScreenWithInsight, 145 component: TwoScreenWithInsight,
146 }, 146 },
147 { 147 {
148 path: '/two-screengrab-with-comments', 148 path: '/two-screengrab-with-comments',
149 name: 'TwoScreengrabWithComments', 149 name: 'TwoScreengrabWithComments',
150 component: TwoScreengrabWithComments, 150 component: TwoScreengrabWithComments,
151 }, 151 },
152 { 152 {
153 path: '/two-webscreen-with-insight', 153 path: '/two-webscreen-with-insight',
154 name: 'TwoWebScreenWithInsight', 154 name: 'TwoWebScreenWithInsight',
155 component: TwoWebScreenWithInsight, 155 component: TwoWebScreenWithInsight,
156 }, 156 },
157 { 157 {
158 path: '/noscreenshot-single-author/:caseStudyId/:slideId', 158 path: '/noscreenshot-single-author/:caseStudyId/:slideId',
159 name: 'NoScreenshotSingleAuthor', 159 name: 'NoScreenshotSingleAuthor',
160 component: NoScreenshotSingleAuthor, 160 component: NoScreenshotSingleAuthor,
161 }, 161 },
162 { 162 {
163 path: '/two-author-intro', 163 path: '/two-author-intro',
164 name: 'TwoAuthor', 164 name: 'TwoAuthor',
165 component: TwoAuthor, 165 component: TwoAuthor,
166 }, 166 },
167 { 167 {
168 path: '/two-author-desktop', 168 path: '/two-author-desktop',
169 name: 'TwoAuthorDesktop', 169 name: 'TwoAuthorDesktop',
170 component: TwoAuthorDesktop, 170 component: TwoAuthorDesktop,
171 }, 171 },
172 { 172 {
173 path: '/two-author-reading-now', 173 path: '/two-author-reading-now',
174 name: 'TwoAuthorReadingNow', 174 name: 'TwoAuthorReadingNow',
175 component: TwoAuthorReadingNow, 175 component: TwoAuthorReadingNow,
176 }, 176 },
177 { 177 {
178 path: '/single-mobile-screen-chat-comments', 178 path: '/single-mobile-screen-chat-comments',
179 name: 'SingleMobileScreenChatComments', 179 name: 'SingleMobileScreenChatComments',
180 component: SingleMobileScreenChatComments, 180 component: SingleMobileScreenChatComments,
181 }, 181 },
182 { 182 {
183 path: '/two-screen-with-two-author', 183 path: '/two-screen-with-two-author',
184 name: 'TwoScreensWithTwoAuthor', 184 name: 'TwoScreensWithTwoAuthor',
185 component: TwoScreensWithTwoAuthor, 185 component: TwoScreensWithTwoAuthor,
186 }, 186 },
187 { 187 {
188 path: '/no-screenshot-two-author', 188 path: '/no-screenshot-two-author',
189 name: 'NoScreenshotTwoAuthor', 189 name: 'NoScreenshotTwoAuthor',
190 component: NoScreenshotTwoAuthor, 190 component: NoScreenshotTwoAuthor,
191 }, 191 },
192 { 192 {
193 path: '/to-add-your-comment', 193 path: '/to-add-your-comment',
194 name: 'ToAddYourComment', 194 name: 'ToAddYourComment',
195 component: ToAddYourComment, 195 component: ToAddYourComment,
196 }, 196 },
197 { 197 {
198 path: '/reading-flow-bounce-board', 198 path: '/reading-flow-bounce-board',
199 name: 'ReadingFlowBounceBoard', 199 name: 'ReadingFlowBounceBoard',
200 component: ReadingFlowBounceBoard, 200 component: ReadingFlowBounceBoard,
201 }, 201 },
202 { 202 {
203 path: '/reading-flow-bounce-board-chat', 203 path: '/reading-flow-bounce-board-chat',
204 name: 'ReadingFlowBounceBoard_chat', 204 name: 'ReadingFlowBounceBoard_chat',
205 component: ReadingFlowBounceBoard_chat, 205 component: ReadingFlowBounceBoard_chat,
206 }, 206 },
207 { 207 {
208 path: '/otp/:flag', 208 path: '/otp/:flag',
209 name: 'Otp', 209 name: 'Otp',
210 component: Otp, 210 component: Otp,
211 }, 211 },
212 { 212 {
213 path: '/changepassword', 213 path: '/changepassword',
214 name: 'ChangePassword', 214 name: 'ChangePassword',
215 component: ChangePassword, 215 component: ChangePassword,
216 } 216 }
217 217
218 218
219 219
220 ], 220 ],
221 scrollBehavior(to, from, savedPosition) { 221 scrollBehavior(to, from, savedPosition) {
222 this.seen = false 222 this.seen = false
223 return { x: 0, y: 0 } 223 return { x: 0, y: 0 }
224 } 224 }
225 }) 225 })