15 Aug, 2016
1 commit
- Bring Meteor up to - Bring Meteor packages up to date. - Bring NPM packages up to date. - Fix console warnings from #157. Closes #157. Closes #162. - Remove import of bootstrap.js (was redundant). Closes #170. Closes #172
27 Jul, 2016
1 commit
05 Jul, 2016
1 commit
19 May, 2016
1 commit
- Update NPM packages to latest versions. - Update Atmosphere packages to latest versions.
02 May, 2016
1 commit
Merges #124 Fixes #126 Closes #129 Fixes #131 Closes #137
21 Apr, 2016
2 commits
- Bump Meteor to - Update Meteor Version in README.md - Add an npm test command for running unit tests with Mocha - Remove unnecessary import of chai in api/documents/documents.tests.js and use assert directly.
- Fix eslint throwing a tantrum about React globals. - Update components to include propTypes. - Remove unnecessary imports. - Complete move to airbnb style guide.
20 Apr, 2016
1 commit
07 Apr, 2016
1 commit
- Fixes issue where the active state for links wasn't updating. This is due to a bug in React and this implements a workaround which relies on setting { pure: false } on the main component container to prevent blocking re-renders when moving between routes (and leaving the active state on the old route). Hopefully this is fixed in the future as this isn't an ideal implementation.
05 Apr, 2016
1 commit
30 Mar, 2016
1 commit
23 Feb, 2016
1 commit
04 Feb, 2016
1 commit
- Adding imports where they make sense. - Converting from jshint to eslint and writing styleguide. - General file and convention cleanup. - Tweaks to misc. annoyances.
26 Sep, 2015
1 commit
- Remove preference for Modulus in exchange for meteor.com hosting. Will host examples of scripts for third-party services in the documentation.
02 Mar, 2015
1 commit
Add npm start script for starting Meteor with settings.json. Split settings.json into two files, settings-development.json and settings-production.json. Add npm staging and npm production scripts as an example of deploying Meteor with separate settings files. Add .gitignore and prevent commit of settings-production.json. Update README to reflect changes. Closes #32 and Closes #40.