04 Nov, 2016

4 commits

03 Nov, 2016

2 commits

15 Aug, 2016

3 commits

27 Jul, 2016

3 commits

19 Jul, 2016

2 commits

05 Jul, 2016

3 commits

14 Jun, 2016

4 commits

19 May, 2016

3 commits

02 May, 2016

3 commits

21 Apr, 2016

10 commits

20 Apr, 2016

1 commit

11 Apr, 2016

1 commit

07 Apr, 2016

1 commit

  • - Fixes issue where the active state for links wasn't updating. This is due to a bug in React and this implements
    a workaround which relies on setting { pure: false } on the main component container to prevent blocking re-renders
    when moving between routes (and leaving the active state on the old route). Hopefully this is fixed in the future
    as this isn't an ideal implementation.